Sunday, November 22, 2020

So What Next?


OK, we've all had a good morning celebrating the sovereignty of Christ, well done, and fresh from that we look to the future. Dangerous, I know, because it hasn't happened yet. Still, and with all gospel charity, what's the score? Here's a couple of scenarios:

If Trump's legal team is right and can prove their case, then the lid's blown off the electoral crime of the century, we move into 12th Amendment territory and the election goes to 45. Deep State Uniparty corruption is exposed and fights back with shrieks of rage, Dem cities explode. Minneapolis-style but on a far bigger scale. That's one timeline, and the second's like unto it.

If the lower courts and SCOTUS brush off Trump's allegations and Biden's sworn in as 46 in a fit of establishment elite skulduggery, then all the millions of people who feel cheated of their vote don't accept the result. Patriots, backed into a corner, go hot when pushed. By, say, yet more lockdowns, hated taxation, BLM/Antifa shenanigans or a gun grab. Then there's a third way.

Everyone just rolls over and dies in the face of either party winning. You know, hey, just get over it and get on with life as best you can, like an obedient serf.

For what it's worth, I don't see option three playing out, people are too politicized and the stakes, at this point, are too high. The evil, corrupt, cheating, deceitful, elitist donkeys can't lose or they hang. 45's people, I don't say the GOP, can't lose either. If they do, there goes the Republic they say they love.

Where does this leave us, with civil war? Possibly, but perhaps naively I don't see the Forces or LE getting into an internicene gunfight. Like what, Hell on Wheels is going to go against Big Red One? No. 

That said, we can imagine balkanization. Wayne County, Detroit, sets up on its own along with Philly and other centers of excellence. Same on the other side. The Union and Federal power breaks down.

If that plays out we begin to enter the world of Late Antiquity. The center cannot hold and rival millionaires and their armies vie for power.

But what do I know, just a simple country parson.




  1. Agreed. If Late Antiquity does come to pass, the only thing I would add is that China will move in to pick over the carcass.

  2. Good call, RHT, but they too would fragment. Maybe worse than us.

  3. Civil war will come. This is just my civilian's opinion but I don't think this war will be like the last one. No armies marching across States. The Federal government and our military are just too powerful. Any State seceding would be crushed in days.

    However I do think we are heading towards a Northern Ireland situation: 30 years of paramilitary groups, splinter paramilitary groups, bombings and assassinations.

    Either way it won't be fun.

  4. I'm not sure which way things are going to fall, but I don't see things calming down, either.

  5. If we have to go there, which I think we will, then I hope the military does something to China to make sure they are in no shape to take advantage of it by say, invading the west coast to "help" the Dems.

    EMPing them might do it. Or just taking out that massive dam that this year is looking like it will fail at any time anyway.

  6. Likely a Northern Ireland situation with no safe Southern Ireland haven. What play for the Mexican cartels? The dollar falls as the world reserve currency. How does Canada respond? As a nation or Province by Province. Sniping of public figures/elected officials. The list goes on.

    LL had some experience with the "Troubles". Need to go back and read those blogs.

  7. No idea, Parson.

    I expect large-scale violence in the Spring....

  8. The donkeys offered to drag you under the flap of the Big Tent to live in what is essentially a happy hour at a cat house.

  9. Traditionally, Christ the King Sunday is the last Sunday in October, and today, at least for Anglicans, is Sunday Next (Before Advent I).

    Fr. Sam+
    ACC Priest

  10. I think it depends on how much the riots and politcs affect the economy. If you have a real truckers strike because they are not safe in some areas we will have people really hungry and starving people do weird things. Also it depends on how hard Biden's bunch goes down on right side protests. The might push people into armed response if Beiden wins.

  11. I suppose as I've said for years so not just this latest thang, the only way out of this is to divorce the left. We will never get along. The Red states secede and get or take control of some of the ports real estate on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific (S. California) and we tell the blue communists to not call us and we will n ot call them. We will also not be sending them any collected tax money.

    Lots of details to fill in but that's the game plan.


  12. Infidel, you've been saying that for years and I'd say you're prophetic. An NI situation? That's one scenario and plausible. That + gradual breakdown of central Fed power into a warlike devolution?

    Well, CONUS is very large...

  13. Ah, Anon, I won't say I don't like the classic film Dam Busters, because I do. 3 Gorges is accessible by boat, isn't it?

  14. Good Cartel call, WSF.

    Did you see the video of Latin Kings chasing anarcho-hippies out of Chicago?

  15. I'm imagining that, LL, in my mind.

  16. Sam, I thought you'd pick me up on that.

    OK, I've inherited and use the deficient Lectionary... perhaps that needs to change.

    Still, Viva Cristo Rey!

  17. My feeling, Howard, is that the B/H team will go down a corporate kleptocracy middle of the road route with trans bathroom/identipol window dressing.

    Question is, is the djinn outta the bottle?

  18. Kid, I wish you were right. Surely the only way to defeat the commies is to utterly, forcefully, no-holds-barred defeat them.

    Given their approach, I'd argue we have to be no less... kinetic.
