Wednesday, July 1, 2020

You Racist!

Marxists are howling for the removal of images of the Archangel Michael, which show him defeating a dark-skinned demon and holding the evil spirit underfoot, sword aloft. Racist, militaristic and colonialist oppressive.

But really, you're going after the Angelic Power, you're attacking that? You should think twice about it, why are you even messing with this, you fools? Angels implacably execute the divine will, and we fall to the wrong side of the sword to utter ruin.

Of course the Maoist vandals doing this don't believe in angelic being or spirit itself, they're Marxist materialists. But just because you blind your eyes to a thing doesn't mean it's not there. Take note, a terrible judgement awaits. 

And guess what, commies, it's all a larf till you wake up and a demon's gnawing on your inner thigh.

Defende Nos,



  1. I read something the other day that the faux rage of the Maoists against the Confederacy is just a cover. Their goal is to tear down the Union.

  2. Didn't John Travolta portray the Archangel Michael in a film a few years back? In any event, I still don't understand why folks still flock to Karl Marx's failed philosophy, it's never improved anybody's life ever. Other than the guys at the top, of course. Those guys lived in dachas and dined on caviar and brie, a good gig if you can get it.

  3. Of course they're angry. He is, after all, attacking their guy.

  4. @Fredd:

    Marxism relies on SLOTH and ENVY (and appeals to LUST, etc., as well). It's founded in sin.

  5. They go after who/what they are paid to go after. Who is the paymaster?

  6. They will be gnawed on eventually.

    If you hadn't seen it.

    Starts with Malcom X, then on to Defected agent Brezenov on what has happened to America. I think recorded in the early 80's at the latest, maybe earlier but it is right on track.

  7. RHT, the fauxtrage is palpable.

  8. But Fredd, all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others.

    Three pints of Privilege, please, barman. Sorry! Barperson!

  9. What an excellent point, Jim.

  10. Marx was an unpleasant fellow, N, by all accounts. How much more blood will have to be spilled because of his creed? Well, it's by no means over yet, and corporate sponsored to boot.

  11. Very good question, WSF. We know several -- Soros, a list of corporates as long as your arm, celebs etc. But wherein lies the heart of the funding? Worth a drill down, no doubt about it.

  12. Swankenstein, yet ANOTHER example of systemic racism.

    Out demons out.
