Thursday, July 2, 2020

Fish On, Commies

Do you feel our nation's at a turning point, a crisis, an existential decision which freedom-loving patriots have to make against God-hating, freedom-despising Marxists? Feels that way, at least to me, so to get some air I went fishing.

Nothing fancy, just the marina on Lake Whitney, and lo and behold, caught a good Bass, a junior Cat, and a handful of Perch. Big fun and I lost count. But all of this action was on a casting rod armed with worms, it produced, obviously.

The second rod was equipped with a Perch head, cast into the depths and left there. I was hoping it'd attract the BIG FISH. You know, leviathan cats, monster bass and on. 

Sure enough, the Perch head magic started to work and the rod twitched, bobbed, went double and on more than a few times. But I didn't close the deal.

In fact, the fish closed the deal, stealing one perch head and one perch tail, leaving the hook to fend for itself. Huh. Next time I'll cut the bait up into smaller chunks, easier for the predatory, cannibalistic fish to get their mouth around.

Is there a moral in this? Quite possibly. Would it be better in a boat? That's another question again.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Padre: of course it would be better in a boat. Would a sumo wrestler be more successful if he hit the all you can eat buffet four times per day rather than only two? Absolutely. Would that door-to-door magazine subscription sales person get way more sales if she were a 20-something drop dead gorgeous babe? Duh.

    We all want challenges in our life, right Padre? Sure, go ahead and get that Ranger bass boat with the 300 HP Merc on the back, the fish will jump right into the boat, no need to even bait your hook. But what fun is that?

    (a lot, I must admit, but so is hitting that all you can eat buffet repeadtedly...)

  2. It sure was, WSF. Speaking of which, I need to get out and shoot too. Get's you down to earth and exciting with it. Or something like that.

  3. I've had to think about your comment, Fredd.

    I like the local all you can eat Chinese buffet but, and I know it's weird, I always feel a bit sick afterwards. Sometimes for days.

    Are you saying a bass boat will somehow... make me sick?!?

    Hmmm. Maybe a Skiff would be alright?

  4. Padre: I've over-done quite a few things in my life, and afterwards have tempered my appetite accordingly. I've eaten most of a bucket of original recipe KFC chicken at one sitting, and after feeling ill for some time, never been back. I've gone skeet shooting with a 12-gauge Mossburg, and after four or five boxes of ammo, switched to a 20-gauge because my shoulder couldn't take any more 12-gauge pounding. I've never fired a 12-gauge again.

    Now, to the point: I've had three boats in my life, and spent 6-figures keeping them all afloat, moored, protected against the elements and in good running order. Lots of fun to be had, but at a horrific brutally huge cost. Got rid of them all, and have never even looked at a for sale sign on anything that floats since. And feel the better off for it.

    But I guess this boat thing is just something you will have to do for yourself, Padre. Don't bother with the puny skiff, just go for the Ranger bass boat right out of the gate. You will get there eventually, so why bother with all the interim foolishness? And then after you see your retirement savings wither on the vine because of all the costs associated with purchasing and then keeping your Ranger (whom you will name 'Betsy' or 'Beulah,' or more aptly, 'Delilah') up to snuff, maybe you will think back on dumb ol' Fredd's words of warning.

    Or not. Depends on how much fun you have. And what size your retirement savings portfolio is to begin with.

  5. Hmmmm. Fredd, this is sage advice.

    My retirement investment strategy currently looks like this: Be friends with wealthy people who have boats and want to share the fun but not the cost. That last bit's up to them.

    You'll note these boat people typically want to use their boats, to justify the cost if nothing else. Also, they want boat "partners" to maximize their enjoyment; it's more fun to boat about fishing with a friend than by yourself. There you are, on a six figure boat, busy catching nothing ON YOUR OWN. Miserable. So invite a pal.

    That said, the Striper Guide I use once a year has a very workmanlike Skiff. Not shabby at all. Catches lots of fish. OK, no bells or whistles, but it works.

    Hmmmm. Food for thought.
