Sunday, July 12, 2020

Undoing Whiteness

You may or may not have noticed, racists, that there's a nationwide movement afoot. That's right, it's called "undoing whiteness," and it's all about making white people feel bad for being, well, white.

Being white, you see, is evil and oppressive, so you've got to "undo" it or you're a racist, which you are already, you white racists.

Here's a partial list of resources to assist you in interrupting your white racism and reversing it: "Little White Lies – An Interview with anti-racist activist Tim Wise" and "When Whites Just Don’t Get It."

Feeling bad about yourself? Don't worry, there's more:

11 Ways White America Avoids Taking Responsibility for its Racism
White Supremacy Culture Characteristics and Antidotes
Why White People Freak Out
How white people handle diversity training in the workplace

Interesting, isn't it. Now do a small thought experiment per Dreher, and replace "White" with "Jewish." Speaking of which, a clever group of academics rewrote a chapter or two of Mein Kampf. You might enjoy Joe Rogan's interview, here's an excerpt:

I remind you, it's almost an axiom, that pretty much everything the Left effects produces the exact opposite of its intended result. The backlash, when it comes, will be immense. 




  1. Per I'm 99.99% Irish, Scots, NW corner of Europe and a dash of Norwegian. I'm now blaming my "whiteness" on

  2. I pray the backlash will be intense. It needs to go though all of Congress. And anyone who switched party after being elected should be recalled immediately.

  3. How many Hail Mary's must I recite to atone for the sin of being born white?

  4. I am thinking of a rewrite of Louis Armstrong's classic "What did I do to be so black and blue" . "How will it end; Ain't got a friend; The only sin is in my skin; What did I do, to be so white and blue..."

  5. Are you just too dang white? Remedy: just slap on some black face, and then nobody will call you a racist anymore. I'm sure this will work out just fine.

  6. I read Mein Kampf when I was quite young and not very smart. I remember thinking, "This guy makes no sense what-so-ever and talks in circles."

    Of course that doesn't absolve me of my whiteness - if I am, indeed white. Since my ancestors were from Calabria, there is a good chance that some pesky Africans sneaked in here and there. I'll never know, nor do I care, since a DNA test will never ever happen. I'll just apologize whether I'm white or not 'cause it's the right thing to do. Do I really need a /sarc???

    Backlash? Oh, you betcha!

  7. WSF! I hope you're paying reparations.

  8. Congress needs a complete cleansing, Linda. At least that's how I see it. Silent majority? Stop being silent, enough's enough.

  9. But Swankenstein, you can never atone too much!

    Report yourself, again, immediately.

  10. Hmmmm, Pewster, that has a certain ring to it.

  11. Ah, Fredd, I like your reference to Virginia.

    Have we ever seen such utter fraudulence?

  12. I've never been able to read Mein Kampf, Adrienne, because I always fall asleep in the midst of the Corporal's, ahem, insight.

    He made some general sense though, or his influencers did. Transnational Globalism? Bad. Marxism? Bad. International banking cabal (owned by who?)? Bad.

    And then went possessed/insane with the result that we can't name the enemy anymore without being called Nazis.

    At least that's my take on it today.

    Calabria? beautiful!

  13. "Immense" backlash?

    I think "Horrific" would better describe it....

  14. I used to worry about undoing my whiteness but then I remembered that my mother was Irish. I guess that makes me virtually a person of color.

  15. It won't be pretty, Kid, that's for sure.

  16. Hmmm, Infidel, Black Irish?
