Monday, July 13, 2020

Behold The Revolution!

Don't know about you, but I'm quaking. Scary or what, right? Here's Tucker, on theme:

Attacking people on the basis of your race is a sin... resist... fight back. Well said.

Now, when the fightback occurs, which it inevitably will, how d'ye rate the prospects of the rainbow hair-dye brigade? Good heavens, just reach out and find a piercing. One tug and it's gone, eh?

Guinea on the Monkey and twice as fast.




  1. I take comfort in being an "At Risk" senior. A very nice legal defense.

    As the song goes, "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm good once as I've ever been", or word to that effect.

  2. Dear Lord in Heaven - what in hell were those apparitions pretending to be human. Scared? Um - no!

  3. Adrienne, they're just children! But what does that say about the parents?

  4. WSF, I cannot imagine any single one of that crew trying it on with you.

  5. They are terrifying. Corporate America is handing over billions in danegeld.

  6. I'm quivering with fear. I hit my three score and ten next week, and I'm not a big guy, but I don't think I'd have any trouble with that bunch.

  7. Another reason I love my Garand. Bayonet and butt stroke.

  8. Piercings are nice for 'leading' them where you want them to go... Just sayin...
