Monday, May 11, 2020

The Dyslexic Deacon Returns!

Our old friend, England's Dyslexic Deacon is back and he's back in force with a Lambeth Kitchen Liturgy infographic. Well done, Deacon, we are not worthy to batter the crumbs under thy table.

By way of context, Church of England clergy have been banned by Archbishop Justsin Wobbly, and associated bishops from entering their churches, all to stop the spread of the China Virus. 

How solo worship in kitchens, as opposed to churches, keeps the plague away is presently unclear.  

The Lard be with you,



  1. LSP, I've seen Blue Avenger worshiping steaks that came off your grill, as they rest in your kitchen before eating. Welby doesn't have a blue dog because he's just not that cool.

    Cooking with the Archbishop might turn out to be a very successful kitchen program in the UK. Like the "Best Baker" shows in Old Blighty. He could start off with a bottle of wine and kill it during the course of the show. TELL ME THAT WOULDN'T BE ENTERTAINING.

  2. I think LL is right - that would make a great show and the Great British public would lap it up.

  3. "The lard be with you".

    What perfect ending for saying grace at the table in your favorite burrito bistro.

  4. Juliette, Cooking With Justsin has a certain appeal, no doubt about it.

  5. Ha! RHT, just laughed. YES.

  6. NFO, I can't take credit, this one came from an English clergyman, the Dyslexix Deacon. Shameless.

  7. Good point, WSF. Good old Justsin, and let's see more of the Deacon, eh?

  8. Hmmmmm, LL, Best Baker...

    I've watched that show and they make all these cakes, typically under a big tent. Justsin's Church is often qualified as a "big tent." Accident? I think not.

    Blue Avenger's sleeping, hoping for treats. In his dreams.
