Monday, May 18, 2020

Fishing Aquila Dam Spillway

A dirt road under an already fiercely hot Texan sky, and this is only mid May, a foretaste of the blast furnace to come. The heat and light bring an intensity, throwing everything into high relief. Not dissimilar, when you think of it, to one of those annoying filters on your cell phone camera, Satanbook or Instagram.

Well, this art blog's banned from Instagram and Satanbook, but not from the Aquila dam spillway and there it was, ready for action. I say action, I've never dialed this spot in to any great extent, but figured it'd make a change from Lake Whitney. So off I went in search of Catfish, Gar and anything else that came along in the midday heat.

Thanks to the pythonic wisdom of our latter day Delphi, Youtube, I came armed with frozen shad, worms, tiny baitholder hooks and small circle hooks. Idea being that you cast for catfish with the small circles, weightless and baited with worms, and send out shad fixed to a perch hook tied to a bobber for Gar.

Gar philosophy's interesting, at least to me, because they're an incredible game fish and well worth the sport - minutes, it seems like hours, of subterfuge, patience, false starts, new beginnings,  and then BAM, set the hook and off you go. A thrashing, jumping, prehistoric monster's on your line and it's game on. Tiny hooks seem one way to go, as they'll pass unnoticed by the fish who gleefully swallows your shad, allowing you to go for a hookset in the corner of Gar's mouth when it goes for its second run.

OK, fine, but before all of this excellence, the fish has to actually go for the bait. Normally this isn't an issue, Gar are notoriously ready biters, but not today at Aquila spillway. I had a few bites and a coupe of halfhearted runs, but the fish dropped the shad in boredom and disgust before I could even think of closing the deal. Huh. I put it it down to heavy fishing pressure, and maybe the rig needs rethinking.

A few bites on the worms though, with a small catfish coming ashore and a larger one who slipped the hook at the bank, annoyingly. Still, good fight. Should I have hooked the small cat with a big circle hook and used it as live bait for Leviathan Cats? Certainly thought about it, but the little fella went back to fight again another day.

So there you have it. A good day out in the sun and a fair amount of action, if little catching. Did the fish win this this round? Yes, they did, but watch out underwater adversaries, this isn't over, not by a long chalk.

Moral? Don't sit at home, staring blank-faced at a screen when you can get outdoors and fish. In other news, all the commies are mad because our President's taking hydroxy and zinc and isn't sick.

Fish on, or not,



  1. I don't own any fishing gear anymore, but I'm definitely heading over to the Post Falls dam tomorrow (10 minutes away max) since it's spewing water like a drunk spewing last night's dinner at 5 am (ask me how I know.) I'll grab some pics.

    Then as soon as weather permits (maybe Saturday?) I'm heading up the Silver Valley to Wallace. I LOVE Wallace. I may or may not stop on the way at the Catalado Mission (oldest building in Idaho and built by the Jesuits and Indians.) We used to picnic there every spring, but now it's all fancy and you have to pay $5.00 to drive in and the picnic tables and permanent BBQ's have been removed. Sigh...

    1. I've never been to Wallace, Adrienne, but I hear it's beautiful. Get outside!

      5 am? Urrrgggh.

  2. Reading your blog has stirred long dormant ideas. Yesterday ordered my Senior Citizen fishing and small game license, >$30.

  3. I was out in the canoe on Clear Creek Reservoir but the wind blew me about enough that I didn't attempt to fish. I hauled the canoe out of the water after a two-hour paddle up the narrow gorge and blown back. Then the wind really whipped up to 50 mph and that's definitely NOT fishing weather.

    At least you got some action. Are you going back there or will you revert to the sure thing at Lake Whitney?

    1. Saw you took the canoe out for a spin, LL. Sorry about the wind though.

      I'll definitely go back, partly because it's a pleasant spot and also for the challenge.

      Plenty of fish, gar, buffalo, cats but it's really overfished so they're wary and picky. I'll see if I can crack the code...

  4. That fish has a very long nose. - Fish Filosphy
    Exactly - Get Outside!

    1. Juliette, they're straight out of Jurassic Park and great fun to fish.


  5. As with corrupt government,
    Our mental as well as physical health is improved greatly with:
    Sunshine and fresh air.

    We will be traveling soon to the hills of my birth (Arkansas).
    There to find world class Trout fishing...
    (Because Texas doesn't have much in the Trout department)
    And like you I shall engage in a fierce battle
    mono on mono
    skin against fin
    And whether I win or the fish cheats and he wins
    I will be Blessed taking in the Lord's handiwork.
    Ps 19
    God Bless and keep you safe.

    MSG Grumpy

    1. That sounds like a GREAT plan, MSG.

      I've never been trout fishing but want to. Salmon sounds neat too.

      God bless!

  6. I wish there were nice easy to fish places here. Most of them need a boat now. Not good for hubby's back.

    Glad you had a good day, Parson.

    1. Thanks, Linda, and I hope work's proceding apace on the house.

      Like you, I don't have a boat but I kinda wish I did... maybe a canoe would be good.

  7. We've gotten more stuff out. Got some trees trimmed and taken down.
    Still going so slow.
    God will provide. I have faith and I pray that He strengthens it.
    Can use more prayers. Possibility of severe weather tomorrow. And in spite of knowing He will keep us safe, I do worry a bit.
