Saturday, May 16, 2020

Are They Possessed? By Satan?

One of the tenets of this influential mind blog is that extraterrestrials, yes, space aliens, are alive and well and living among us. Hidden, if you like, in plain sight, often at the very top of Church and State. But tonight I'm inviting you to consider another possibility. Namely this.

Look at the above infographic featuring three important health experts, people in charge of the well-being of millions of US citizens, and ask yourself, are they possessed by Satan?

One's a transsexual, Pennsylvania's Health Minister, another, the Mayor of Chicago, is a lesbian, so they're obviously in good mental health, the third, from LA County, is a social worker. Now look closely at their faces, into their eyes, the very window of the soul, and ask if they're run, operated by the Enemy. Go ahead, you decide.

Then there's Carol Baker, CDC Chair of the Advisory Committee on Immunizations. She's on record as saying "we'll just get rid of all whites in the United States." A Satanist? Sounds that way, why would you say such a thing unless possessed by the Murderer.

Here's another one, Cecile Richards. She used to run Planned Parenthood, the giant, baby parts selling, abortion mill and was touted by something called Net-A-Porter as "woman of the week." Still, she's only worth a paltry $5 million, not much for the weight of all those murdered babies on your mind.

But maybe her mind isn't really hers, maybe it belongs to something else, like Moloch. Again, look into her eyes and face and ask yourself if she radiates love, mercy, compassion and peace. Or something else, something hard and demonic, the defiance, ambition, insanity and grisly, desperate pride of the Pit.

Then there's these goons. They say, see CS Lewis' Great Divorce, that the damned can't stand one another and so they "socially distance," each inside their own circle of judgement. Such is the logic of Hell.



  1. Satan. Can't be anything else.

  2. They look Satanic.
    That's what they get for locking down hair and makeup shops.

  3. Looking at the mayor, my first thought was "Bettlejuice". Does saying it three times work like in the movie?

    Social distancing = divide and conquer on a massive scale.

  4. Satan, get the behind me, in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Can this prayer be modified to include names of specific people? And no, no sarcasm is intended.

  5. You sure hit the nail on the head, Parson!

    They sold their souls for power, and this is the result....

  6. We are in the end times my friend. The devils helpers

  7. By their fruits, you will know them.

    Or one of my favorite truisms...
    "Your actions speak so loud I can't hear a word you are saying"

    MSG Grumpy

  8. I prefer the rem "socialist distancing."

  9. If only, I think we're stuck with them... sigh

  10. Basically, they are all creatures of the Left. Accordingly, Satan cannot be dismissed as to his involvement with their thinking.

    Lori Lightfoot and J.B. 'Pugsley' Pritzker, Governor of Illinois. Quite the tag team in wielding the ham fisted power of their offices. They are in their glory, sending in jack booted soldiers of the state to squash the hopes and dreams of restaurant owners, hair salons, pet groomers, and all manner of 'non-essential' proletariats. All of this thuggery for our own good, mind you.

    God help us.

  11. "Trust the Scientist, Trust the Science!"

    "Sure thing Dr Mengele, but why do you need twins?"

  12. And I thought we had it bad here in Michigan with Gretch the Wretch. My father in law recently obtained a cat for rodent reduction in his barn. The cat needs to be spayed, however that's elective surgery and not currently allowed by her highness. You can still have an abortion in Whitmer World though- that's essential!

  13. That's what I think, Kid. And remember, Baphomet's trans.

  14. I don't know if it does, RHT, but I'm not going to risk it.

    And I've had enough of the "social distancing" phrase. That said, no reason to be stupid but circles in parks? Really?

  15. Vade retro... WSF.

    Yes, I don't see why names can't be added.

  16. Thanks, drjim. The "healthcare" experts are bizarre but just look at Cecile. Scary, and with all that money.

  17. Sambo, you may well have a point.

  18. I like your fave truism, MSG!

  19. I second the motion, Linda.

  20. I sure hope not, NFO. Look, maybe there's hope. After all, nobody thought she's lose.

  21. God help us indeed, Fredd. And why all the animus against small business owners but not against, say, Walmart. Am I misreading something or is this sinister?

    As for the party of Satan, well, they sure like suing nuns, killing babies in the womb and sending CPS after the kids of hairdressers in Oregon. Not too keen on children, Satanists.

  22. That, Anon, is a good point well made.

  23. But DOS, can't be looking after animals when there's babies to be killed. Report yourself.

  24. I've posted on my blog, and it's excellent IMHO, the wisdom of Alexandre Solzhenitsyn:

    "To make people do evil, convince them they are doing good".

    Killing an infant is "good" because it frees the mother from responsibility when she's not ready.

    And so on. And very soon that turns to:

    Loading people into cattle cars by force and taking them to "processing centers" is good because they don't want World Socialism that will end hunger, poverty, crime, and wars. Or because they don't agree that it's a climate crisis and want to end all life on earth with continued CO2 emissions.

  25. I think the authoritarian measures that these creatures are taking will bite them in the ass in November.
