Friday, April 3, 2020

Walking The Eschaton

It was like a midsummer day in Borth on the Welsh Riviera. Overcast, a drizzling rain, not too cold, not too hot but no, this was North Central Texas and time to take Blue Eschaton for a walk.

The streets were empty, because of the Chinese Virus or because they always are? A mystery, and so was our old friend the Meth Shack. The Shack's under new management, who've been busy gutting the place with a view, presumably, to newer and better renters. Good luck with that worthy project.

Mourning the passing of an age, we advanced to the Pick 'n Steal. It still stands, essential business in the midst of lockdown. I tethered the Eschaton to an empty newspaper vending machine and went inside for a coffee "refill" in an invincible Yeti mug. 

The store's Owl Idol looked down with unflinching eyes on its supplicants, the usual crew of pajama wearin', slipper shufflin', lottery playin', blunt buyin' punters. There they were and there it was. Reassured that some things never change, I walked the furry apocalypse back to the Compound, mission accomplished. And then a curious thing happened.

Within a space of minutes, clouds rolled in from the north and with them a fierce wind. The temperature dropped like a stone in seconds, taking us from Borth in August to Borth in April. Fearing a Polar Vortex, I showed the Eschaton inside to warmth and safety.

Poor dog. You can imagine, centuries later, explorers discovering an elderly Heeler encased in ice, the remains of a fried cherry pie in his mouth, frozen where he stood on the awful day the Climate Changed.

That aside, I hope you've all managed to recover your firearms from the lakes and rivers and sensibly saved on SCUBA by use of powerful magnets and sturdy ropes.

God bless,



  1. What does Blue think of the news flow? I can only assume he is tired of it.

  2. I want to have a beer with you some day. I'll tell you about a Guy Faukes Day in Weston-Super-Mare.

    Of course, I would love to have a beer with you in general.

  3. We're expecting a dusting of snow later and then, and THEN - next week we'll be up in the 60's on some days. Good thing too since sitting in the house has about driven me bonkers. Salivating over getting out the pruning saws and clippers.

  4. Weather? Colorado Front Range. What is today won't be tomorrow. In fact, evening will be different than morning. Hat this morning to keep my delicate skin from sunburn. Hat tonight to keep my ears warm.

    I take perverse comfort knowing my relatives Casper way are having an epic winter.

  5. Glad to hear you are keeping Blue safe and warm, Parson.
    Thanks for the walk and the story.

  6. I see the Meth Shack has Harley Davidson-types involved in its environs. Hard to say which way things will go with the Harley types. Some are God fearing, armed tough patriots who don't take much poo. Others are greasy slugs who will punch you in the face just for looking at them.

    Here's a joke that you must never tell inside a biker bar, Padre: What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a Hoover vacuum cleaner? The location of the dirt bag.

    Again, not to be told in a biker bar, some of the patrons have no sense of humor.

  7. The New Day (same as the old day). I miss the days when I was allowed - pre-quarantine - to visit you and the LSP Clan at the compound and at the Dallas annex. Will those days return?

  8. My spirit has been spurred to psalms 91, why are we in fear.

  9. It's currently 31 here in east Kansas. Tuesday has a high of 81 forecast. That'll be beer on the porch weather. I'm ready.

  10. Will the beloved methshack be gentrified? Please stay tuned.

  11. Kid, Blue slept right through Cuomo's last briefing, and who can blame him?

  12. I'd love that, Borepatch and feel bad I wasn't able to get to that blogger shoot all those years ago.

    Swing by for beers on the porch if you're ever in the area.

  13. Adrienne, the weather here is about as nutty as the news, and that's saying something.

  14. I've always liked Casper, WSF, not that I know it well. I can imagine the winters...

  15. He's a good dog, Linda. Mind you, he seems to think he deserves "treats" by way of entitlement.

    I'm afraid he's turning Democrat. Bad Dog!

  16. That's a very powerful joke, Fredd! But I'll take your wise advice.

    Haven't been in a biker bar in years, curiously.

  17. I sure hope so, LL, and you're always welcome! I look forward to visiting the Mine, when and if we're ever allowed to travel again.

  18. Well said, OK:

    "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
    Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday."

  19. I sure wish Texas would catch up with you Jim, I'm ready for porchlife.

  20. It's the thousand dollar question, GL. Let's wait and see.

  21. Yep, you got hit about 5-6 hours after we did... high 70s in north Texas one day, 34 the next morning... I'm NOT mowing my dang yard in a parka... sigh. Glad to see Blue is still getting around!
