Thursday, April 2, 2020

Arm Up You Fools

A lot of people lost all their firearms and ammo in boating accidents over the last year, and that's a tragedy. Maybe now's  a good time to hire SCUBA teams to salvage?

Just a thought, as looting and two-bit lawlessness starts to break out here and there. To be succinct, in the words of one of our London correspondents, "Junkies are fighting outside my window." The supply chain's diminished, you see.

In other news, the Pelosi/Schumer combine have started a new impeachment drive because they can't kick the habit, viz. junkies, and 45's announced war on the cartels. Meghan Markle, on the other hand, has made a stunning debut on Disney.

Coal Burner?

Whatever. Message to market. Arm up, be prepared. It's simple math and you've lost nothing for following it. Heck, you can always shoot the rounds later if they're not needed. 

As it is, they might be.

God bless,



  1. I know a couple of SCUBA users. Now if I can just find that spot on Horsetooth Reservoir.

  2. Life under quarantine, LSP. What a mess.

  3. I've never been much of one for boating accidents. I'm more of the mind that if you think someone is coming for your guns, that's not the time to bury them. That's the time to use them.

    I happily discovered the other day that the Magpul Gen3 20 round mags with the thinner base plates fit perfectly 3-across in my old M1956 Vietnam era mag pouch.

  4. I'm gonna stock up on Ohio Class Boomers and Nukes.

  5. Can you not out debacle Markle pics up please, I find them offensive.

  6. Use a powerful magnet and a rope.

  7. I'm with Jules on Markle pics.

    My friend with terminal cancer was taken by ambulance to hospice late last night with excruciating pain. I doubt she will ever return home. Tends to put stuff in perspective.

    And our bishop has ordered the NO priests to not do Mass ad orientem or make any accommodations for those who want to receive communion kneeling and on the tongue.

    It doesn't affect St. Joans ------ yet.

    I'm thinking today would be a good day to clean the sea weed out of our recovered fire power.

  8. Jules, you might enjoy this account:

  9. They really hate an oriented Mass, Adrienne, and that speaks volumes. To hate the worship of the church as it's been since the apostolic age -- the very worship which is the ultimate purpose of the church on earth and in heaven -- well, the word apostate springs to mind.

    We have the same crew in charge on this side of the Tiber and they've shipwrecked Anglicanism.

    I hope the water damage isn't too severe!

  10. That's a very sensible solution to a very pressing problem.

  11. What a good discovery, RHT! I should dust off my webbing...

  12. LL, it's not been good for the Missions, though we're doing our best. Ye Gods.

    Thanks, China.

  13. Good luck, WSF. But I like Anon's magnet solution and I'm imagining the sheer ton(s) of weaponry that's about to be lifted from the silty bed of Lake Whitney.

    Enough to kit out an irregular unit perhaps, which is entirely hypothetical because they all drowned when the boats capsized in the storm.

  14. I don't get the Meghan Markle thing. Don't follow her or the no-longer prince. Other than she wasn't satisfied with all that Canada was willing to do for her, so now they are apparently in Komifornia?

    We never lost ours in the lake. Or Bayou. Everything is right where we left it. ;-)
