Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ready To Rumble

The phone rang. "Hello?" Short silence, then, "We're marching on the state capital, had enough of this BS. Sonofabitch, time to break the law."

Hey, right on, but I urged caution, to be honest. As in, "Sure, maybe this thing's being leveraged by the Party of Satan to bring down 45 but still, don't get sick, right?" That aside, militias might want to think twice about even thinking of going up against the Guard. 

The Monkey, and I tell you, he's a fearsome beast, ain't layin' odds on the outcome, what? So gentlemen, fight smart. Maybe wait 'til the Guard is you. Maybe that way win the firefight if it gets that far which it better not. Just a thought and Devil take the hindmost.

Loading mags and cleaning weapons,



  1. Stay away, far, far away from these groups. If it weren't for undercover agents, informers, and agent provocateurs most couldn't muster a decent sized squad.

    One model might be the OKC bombing. Small, tight group. Still, they made enough mistakes to get nailed. For the record, I don't agree with what they did and would never be a party to anything similar.

  2. Been there done that. Anyone running their mouth is an agent provocateur hope you all remember the 90's

  3. Ok -- agreed, but what do I know, just a country parson. Still, no excuse to act stupid. Not that I need much, but anyway.

  4. I'm with WSF and OK. There are three spies for every ardent person.

  5. Yep - it looks like we're all in line with WSF.

    I'm a huge fan of the Virtue of Prudence. And Prudence would say, "Are you nuts? It's not prudent to put yourself in the middle of a dangerous mob."

  6. Thought provoking post and comments.

  7. Nice, even if I am more of a Machine Head (Deep Purple) fan.

  8. Adrienne, I am too, but not very good at following her counsel! #confession

  9. We mustn't be stupid, Adrienne. That's my take.

  10. Ah, Linda, let's hope this doesn't get any weirder, eh?

  11. DOS, I LOVE Machine Head.

    But the original Motorhead rocks too.
