Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pope Francis Some Kind Of Joke?

A joke? No, he's not. He's the head, chief pastor, shoes of the fisherman Pontif of the Roman Church. An heir and fulfillment, when you think of it, of the Imperium itself. So what does the spiritual head of Western civilization have to say about the Chinese Virus? That it's caused by Climate Change, by Global Warming. Here he is:

“We did not respond to the partial catastrophes. Who now speaks of the fires in Australia, or remembers that a year and a half ago a boat could cross the North Pole because the glaciers had all melted? Who speaks now of the floods?
“I don’t know if it is nature’s revenge, but it is certainly nature’s response.”

Nature's response? Well yes, in a round about way. If a crew of Chinese Communists mess with bat viruses in a lab in Wuhan nature will, most probably, run its course. Good call, cross the road, hit a truck. 

But Francis won't name the actual truck, he can't bring himself to call out the atheist tyrants who run China and work to crush the Church. You know, the same people who unleashed this on the world. He blames climate change instead.

Name the real culprit, Francis, but perhaps you're somehow... conflicted? For goodness sake, how embarrassing.

Soylent Green,



  1. Popes come, and Popes go. The Church survives them all. So say my RC friends.

  2. The libtards are lovin this Pope.

  3. Can a Pope be impeached / removed?

    More generally. To all my Christian associates... HAPPY EASTER.

  4. The pope should stick to theology.

  5. As an RC, I second WSF.

    I do not pretend to know the will of the Divine. However, I do note the close proximity of the idolatrous Pachamama activity at the Vatican and the appearance of the Kung Flu in China.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  6. The bishops have been trying to destroy the Church for 2000 years and haven't succeeded. By electing Francis the Talking Pope they might finally succeed.

  7. There was a Reformation for a reason.

  8. Well the Church does have that knack, WSF. Gates of Hell shall not prevail, sort of thing, and they haven't -- against all the odds.

  9. Yeah they are, Kid. Rome needs a PURGE.

  10. Nitzakhon, I'm sure he means well and's far more holy than I am, not hard, it must be said. But still, enough of the dam nature worship, leftist garbage.


  11. Jim, part of the problem here is that some weird kind of nature worship appears to be a factor in his theology. But yes, stick to REAL theology. Good call.

  12. DOS, I was going to write in the animist Amazonian idol but didn't. With hindsight, I should have; the coincidence of the Pachamama in Rome and the disastrous plague in Italy is something to be conjured with. Take note, Vatican.

  13. Infidel, the Church can't be beat though it can take a beating. Too bad that's coming from within, eh?

  14. It certainly didn't happen ex nihilo, Ed. But that aside, let's pray for the reunion of Christendom. Most certainly needed.
