Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

Consummatum Est, it is consummated, and the sinless, all-sufficient sacrifice is offered to the Father as Jesus dies on the cross. The sin of Adam and the tyranny of Satan, Hell and death is reversed, salvation is in the wings.

Here on earth the Altars are stripped and evil waxes large, as it did on that first Good Friday. But the battle's been won in Christ; the desolation of Calvary will turn to the joy of the empty tomb and Easter. Death has become the instrument of life, with the very tools of the Enemy turned against him to utter effect.

Yes, Jesus dies on the cross and with it the Reaper has been defeated. Do not fear, DFTR, we have the victory.

God bless you all on this Good Friday,



  1. I hope that it was a good Friday for you, LSP. I know that you've been ill with plague.

    Social distancing is antithetical to feeding the flock, but you have to do it. Maybe if you got one of those medieval crow masks, you could go out and make an impression on the congregation. Or maybe not. Will Blue Guard keep you in during the plague, or can you bribe him with a cherry fried pie?

  2. God Bless LSP. That's a beautiful church.

    Here is the one I once served in as a choir boy.

    Click on the image on the right below the header image. That place got your attention as a young man.

  3. LSP,
    Blessings during this Holy Season.

    PS: Sorry that I haven't been around much lately. Death in "the family."

  4. O lovely and refulgent tree,
    Adorned with purple majesty;
    Culled from a worthy stock. to bear,
    Those limbs which sanctified were.

  5. God bless you, Ed. We work our salvation out in "fear and trembling." Confidence too.

  6. WSF, what a weird Holy Week!

  7. LL, Blue doesn't get Joly Week at all. He thinks it's an excuse to get more "treats," if you can call a meat flavored dry cracker a treat. That aside, I've pretty much locked myself up in the Compound, which is congenial enough. Car park Masses for the crew tomorrow.

  8. Bless you, Linda, as always!

  9. What a beautiful church, Kid! I've been at a few which were imposing and thought that was my future. Low and behold, here I am with humble country missions. There's doubtless a lesson in that, for me.

  10. AOW, the apology's mine and condolence for your loss. I'll pray, RIP.

  11. DOS, the Middle Ages had it all going on, and I'm not being facetious.

  12. Glad you like AOW. It gets your attention.

  13. PS, the Alter area is actually Much larger than it appears in the zoom out image.
