Thursday, March 19, 2020

Snowflake & Safespace

You may have noticed we're experiencing some turbulence lately, thanks to the ChiCom Bat Bug or "Red Death." So let's thank the higher power for Marvel's new line of Superheroes, Snowflake and Safespace.

Snowflake and Safespace spring from the mind of Emmy nominated Daniel Kibblesmith. Here's Marvel:

"Safespace is a big, burly, sort of stereotypical jock. He can create forcefields, but he can only trigger them if he's protecting somebody else. Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them, and has the power to generate individual crystalized snowflake-shaped shurikens. The connotations of the word 'snowflake' in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp.

Faggy Mountebanks

"Snowflake is the person who has the more offensive power, and Safespace is the person who has the more defensive power. The idea is that they would mirror each other and complement each other."

But that's not all, there's the morbidly obese, rubbish sidekick Trailblazer, who has a quantum backpack as well as a whole lotta weight. Ghetto stereotype, clever irony, fried chicken or something else again. But here's my call, for what it's worth. 

Hmmm. Fried Chicken

It's as though we're sitting on a bomb right now and we don't know if it'll go off; it might, it might not, it has in Italy. Whatever the case, we're being forced to reflect on our mortality, remember O man that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return. A Lenten theme and with it, be not afraid.

So bad call, Marvel, you're exposed as a purveyor of degenerate irrelevancy. Take stock, not that you read this tiny kebab stand on the *net superhighway, and provide us with real heroes. We need them.

God bless,



  1. Okay - I followed your first link to InfoWars and thought, "Surely (Shirley?) this is a joke." So I poked about until I finally found the actual Marvel site and then thought, "Holy crap, the world has gone totally insane." Then I come back here to find that, clever man that thou art, the Marvel link was already in your post. Sigh.

    Does this company have some sort of death wish?

  2. No, not insane, but a product of the dominant culture environment. At moments of crisis, real or perceived, ultimately all of have to fall back upon our inner reserves and our real heartfelt beliefs. For Christians throughout the ages this means being forced today to go the foot of the Cross. If, however, you have been disdainful of Christianity or are simply faithless then, tragically, you will have nowhere else to go back to than whatever secular notions you have absorbed by osmosis from the popular culture around you of your period.

    This is the tragedy of the predicament here, the author/s for Marvel have absorbed so little of life's gifts and revelations that they have nowhere else to go than the clownish cartoon strips of comic books and the political correctness of the comfortably remote. With the best will in the world, these synthetic comic book values are hardly any guide for dealing with the real problems - both individual and collective - of our daily lives at the present time. To imagine that babbling on about 'safe spaces' or social justice cartoon heroes and what they do will in anyway be helpful can only be the fantasy conceit of someone who has never had to stand in food queue, fight for a benefit or stand up in a court or tribunal.
    All the knowledge of Marvel comics in the World, past present or future doesn't help you one jot in practice in real situations that life throws at you. Best advised to give up on Comic Conventions and ditch the costumes. Meanwhile, we should really pray for these people.

  3. After seeing that, I feel like I should apologize to Sgt. Rock, and Jeb Stuart and his crew.

  4. I just saw this today - the new warriors. Do you think Snowflake and Safespace have a magical unicorn that they ride in on?

  5. At the end of the day it will be "Get woke and go broke."

  6. God Bless LSP. I just don't know what to say about the rest of this anymore.

    Try some Love Thing.

  7. Juliette, you know they do. Watch out for it's goring horn and viciously thudding hooves.

  8. It's all true, Adrienne, bizarrely. And I was going to write "you couldn't make it up, except that you could but Marvel's genius has beat you to it." Or something like that.

    Such degenerates.

  9. Alan, such poetry! But you're right. Snowflake & Safeplace are facile, virtue signalling guilt displacement in the face of actual, genuine hardship. As you write, it says something about the state of our culture, to say nothing of Marvel's stunning disconnect with reality in a time of crisis. Well, I won't bang on.

    Go to the foot of the Cross? Well said.

  10. DOS, I see you echoing Adrienne. Good call.

