Saturday, November 23, 2019

They're Satanists

Have you been wondering why the Left are People of the Lie, of inchoate rage, fury, spite, deceit and self-contradiction? How they're all about destruction? For example, the Left is 100% in favor of killing babies in the womb and up to and beyond the point of birth, but they call this healthcare. Lies and destruction.

Again, America elected a president the Left didn't like. So they've lied, destroyed and freaked out in revolutionary fervor to the point of attempting to impeach on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. Pitch, froth, foam, lies and derangement under a pretense of the law. 

As with the absurd "Trump is a Russian Spy!" gambit, so too "Trump is a Ukrainian Crime Lord!" Yet more lies and destruction,  to Hell, literally, with our polity. But no wonder, they don't care, they want to destroy it.

The Left hates this country, its religion, its spirit, its people, its history and everything else about it. So they want to destroy it. 45 doesn't, he represents the old America, the America that loves its country,  so a clash is inevitable.

Who will win and to the point, what ultimately drives either side? On the Left we have lies, fury, hatred, destruction, rage, and infanticide. They're the party of infernal, satanic nonsense, in which men are women, murdered babies are healthcare, government control is freedom, taxation is wealth. 

Of course it makes no sense, but sense isn't in it. They've abandoned reason, ask any undergrad if there's such a thing as "truth." En lieu of that, truth, you have force, power and emotion, the ready weapons of the Left, all directed to tearing down and destroying their enemy, what's left of Western civilization. 

Make no mistake, they hate us and the West with all their emotive force, after all, emotion's all they have left; as it was in October 1917 so it is now, they're murderers from the beginning and their Father is Satan. 

45 would do well to align himself lock, stock and barrel with the other side. That in mind, only one side's going to win, and it won't be  the Devil's.

And I may be old but I'll put my gun on the line. Not kidding.

Your Pal,



  1. I need to get this shirt. Then I need to get on the range, outdoors, at distance.

  2. The battle lines have been drawn.

    And Satan is finding it tough to put together a coherent Army with the likes of Omar, Schiff, AOC and the senile Biden taking the lead.

  3. Agree with all of the above. The left and right in this country are heading for a clash. Very much like the Civil War (or as LL prefers, the War of Northern Aggression): you are either for killing babies and enslaving citizens, or you're not. You are either for what the Founding Fathers established or you're not.

    I think things will get ugly in the not too distant future.

  4. I see where students of Washington and Lee University are wanting pictures of those two great Americans removed from their diplomas. Perhaps they should have attended another school. The Patrice Lumumba University comes to mind.

  5. Take pride your work is not in vain. Your blog address can't be posted on Facebook because "It doesn't meet our community standards".

  6. Been saying this for years. The left are pure evil. The hildebeast was ejected form satan's butthole to take up temporary residence on this planet. Extrapolate as you will about the rest of them.

    Chelsea Clinton tweeted out a happy something or other to the Church of Satan. (No, I don't follow her or even do tweeter, just happened to see it)

  7. Facts, Logic, reason, and common sense are the anathema of the Godless left. They love all that is ugly, morbidly obese, and KoolAide® haired. Lies, deceit, and smears are not just how they operate, it is their very creed.

  8. Right. Let's try including the link this time.

    This shirt--

    Then to the range.

  9. What a good shirt, RHT! I need some range time too...

  10. It's weird, LL. You'd think His Infernal Majesty would've come up with something better than the current crop of mountebanks and misfits. Then again, he probably never thought the Shrieking Pantsuit would lose and was caught left footed.

  11. I sure hope not, Fredd, but all the ingredients seem to be there. Smart people are building compounds and stocking up.

  12. Thanks, WSF. Facebook hates LSP.

  13. A bit of a rant, NFO, but I'll stick by it.

  14. Thanks, tooldieguy, I appreciate it.

  15. I saw that, Kid. WTF?!? They're not even bothering to hide anymore.

  16. People of the Lie, Dr. Swankenstein.
