Sunday, November 24, 2019

Shroedinger's Ginsberg Paradox

Via Dr. Swankenstein:

Are you familiar with Shroedinger's Ginsberg paradox?
The scenario presents a hypothetical Supreme Court Justice that may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.

Good Lord, remember the sound and fury that surrounded Kavanaugh? Magnify that to infinity on Ginsberg's timely demise.

MAGA 2020,



  1. I'm not saying that it is alive or dead, I am simply positing that both can be true at the same time. Friend of the show Zsa Zsa suggests that we eject the Schroedinger's Ginsberg Box into outer space so that it is @out of sight out of mind".

  2. Something to look forward to. Hope she goes peacefully and without pain. Might we hope President Trump nominates someone who isn't an Ivy League Law School alumni?

  3. sadly pure spite can drive some people for a long time, and that dreadful thing is full of it, Go, please just go

  4. Who is going to come forward and claim they were raped by Amy Barret ? jim carrey maybe.

  5. So mean that the devil doesn't even want her.

  6. Dr. Swankenstein, ZZ speaks uncommonly good sense.

  7. WSF, here's hoping. It's too bad the once hallowed halls of academe have become Satan's think tank.

  8. I second that motion, Egyptian.

  9. That, Kid, is an excellent question.

  10. Pewster, what's that old saying, "When there's no more room in Hell the dead will walk the earth"? Something like that.
