Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Just Driving Around In An Oven

"How's it goin' Padre?"
"A bit chilly, what?"

Meaning it's 105* in the shade and Devil take the hindmost. Undaunted by an I'm in a preheating oven kind of feeling, I climbed into the rig and drove to the Pick 'n Steal. Old habits die hard and there, predictably, was First Baptist shining in the sun.

I always wonder if being First translates to Best. Do the First Families of the town go to the  first baptist church in the town? Perhaps they do, though once they would've been Episcopalien. Well, we messed that up.

Whatever, unfold the frame and scoot across the melting asphalt to the Shamrock and the best filling station coffee in town. I tell you, the shop's AC's a welcome relief. How did Texans get by without air conditioning?

Well, they mostly didn't because no one wanted to move here before it happened. Note, Dallas and the associated metrosprawl have only ballooned out of proportion subsequently. Which brings us to shooting.

A few years ago I'd think nothing of getting out in the heat and blasting away for a day in the August sun. 105*? Whatever, pass the ACP and all the rest. Now? Not so much. 

Mind you, I don't have much choice coz the leg's busted. How's that going to work out for September 1 and dove? Set up on a tailgate with a couple of Mojos out front and a 20? 

This, as with so much in life, remains to be seen. In the meanwhile, try not to melt.

God bless,



  1. Having never been dove hunting, I have no advice. Logic says all those hunters will stir things up. Where can you sit to take advantage?

  2. Yup. Right there with you in Louisiana.
    Hope you are healing well, Parson. God bless.

  3. No 105 here, though we have been in the low to mid 90s consistently. Ordinarily that would be bad, except with all the rain we've had this year, humidity is way higher than normal. I'd rather have hotter and drier.

  4. The leg will heal.
    The doves will create more doves.
    The weather will be warm in Texas in the summer.
    Blue Devastator will continue to want to bite the mail person.

    Bucolic life in hill country will go on and you’ll be back in the groove. Of this I have no doubt.

  5. Unless you've got an actiontrackchair or some other off-road micro-vehicle, well, shooting from your truck doesn't sound so bad. Check local game regs and you may need to get a note from your doctor, or not.

    Good luck on the healing and the shooting.

  6. Several comments to make your newsletter better.

    Please label all Illuminati whose pictures you show. I don't watch Fox TV so all I know is that: (1) They must be rich because their teeth are so pretty when they smile, and working stiffs are lucky to have the cash to pay for a simple filling; and (2) once you've identified them for me, explain why I should care.

    Remember also that one who genuinely repents (even on his death bed)is saved.

    Perhaps you could become an apostle to the rich and famous and preach the parable of Dives & Lazarus.

  7. That’s too bloody hot. I say go down to the bar and see Erin. Tell her you need free wine to help your leg get better. Shoot the breeze instead of the doves and imbibe on nectar in the air conditioned haven. Soon it will be Autumn and all will be less intense. Unless, like me, you have a naughty wolf.

  8. Juliette, that's GREAT advice, not sure if Erin's still there though. I should hobble in there and see.

    Show the wolf who's in charge!

  9. I don't watch Fox either, Anon, except the occasional blast of Tucker. But thanks for the helpful tips, even though I now have to label all the Illuminati featured in this occasional newsletter. Quite a task!

    In the meanwhile, have a look at the internet and see if you can i.d. Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. Why care if the ultra rich and powerful get up to pedo sex trafficking on their private islands? I'd have thought that obvious but perhaps further clarity's in order.

    Repentant thief on the cross in mind, are you suggesting a Yacht/Gulf Stream Ministry (YGSM)? Hmmmm. Good call.

  10. I'll see if I'm up for it, Beans. I could certainly set up on the truck but it might be tricky to get the birds, provided I hit any of course. Maybe go in with someone else and make it a team effort. No micro atv, annoyingly...

    Thanks for the good wishes.

  11. Thanks for the verse, LL, reassuring. And congrats on the grandchild!

  12. Me too, Jim, hotter and drier every time. Saying that, I'm in Dallas right now which is absurdly hot AND humid, thanks to its weird micro-climate. The mosquitoes are a menace.

  13. Progressing along, Linda, thank God. Try not to melt!

  14. It should be feasible, WSF, and with something like that in mind -- I have the spot... and what a lot of fun when the birds are flying. Good to eat too, I think.

  15. Well, I will say that cities in the Southwest are hotter today than say 1910, because of all the asphalt and cement that has been laid down. Desert terrain does not retain and then radiate nearly as much heat as asphalt and cement.
    When I lived in Tempe AZ through 2000, the road temp was easily 160 F, No way the desert terrain was. Gee, wonder if this figures into the climate freaks temperature scales.

  16. Then again, on Jan 29 the thermometer on my back deck registered -31 Below Zero Fahrenheit outside Chicago.

    I didn't sleep a wink that night, wondering what would happen if our furnace failed.

    105 doesn't sound all that bad, all things considered.

  17. Yep, a tad warm... I grew up in Louisiana and we had BOTH the heat and humidity. But we also had houses designed for flow through ventilation. And it actually worked. :-)

  18. Excellent point, Kid. Dallas is way hotter and humid than Hillsboro because of its weird micro-climate -- asphalt, cars, sprinklers, artificial lakes etc. Hillsboro's hot but arid, of course it'd be more so out West and into the desert.

  19. Fredd, I hear you. -30++ in Calgary, waiting for the pilot light to go off, or Philly in November, as gangs of "workers" attempted to fix the heating system in 3 stories of a broken down palace. That last was getting pretty scary as the frost set in and the young family grew... unsettled. Then the heat kicked in.

    Good Lord, 105 is probably better.

  20. Airflow! Yes, NFO. My place is that vintage and it DOES work, big windows, screens, high ceilings, big sunshade porch etc.

    Mind you we cheat and have AC...
