Thursday, August 15, 2019

Feast of the Assumption

Some people think the Assumption's idolatrous, that we're worshiping the Blessed Virgin Mary as some kind of false goddess. Hardly, we're celebrating the holiness that brought salvation, Christ, into the world. 

Holiness in advance of Enoch and Elijah, surely. If they were taken up into heaven, why not Mary, the Mother of God.

Here's a prayer:

WE BESEECH thee, O Lord; mercifully to forgive the sins of thy people; that we, who of ourselves can do nothing that is acceptable unto thee, my be succoured by the intercession of the Mother of thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Who liveth and reigneth with thee.

Have a blessed Feast,



  1. In my experience, Gregorian chants lift my soul to be closer to the Lord. Yes, I'm partial to those chants -- never mind that I'm Protestant.

  2. Well said, AOW.

    Denoms be damned, Gregorian chant's the music of heaven.

  3. Amen, Parson!

    Growing up in the Roman Catholic religion ensured that all due reverence for the Blessed Virgin Mary was firmly hammered into us.

  4. drjim, it just makes sense. I mean to say, how dare anyone denigrate the Mother of God? That's like attacking Christ himself.

    I won't bang on.
