Wednesday, August 28, 2019


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson got the Queen's permission to prorogue or suspend Parliament today, clearing the way for Brexit and the UK's return to sovereignty as opposed to satrapy under the heel of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. And guess what?

Leftist heads are exploding all over the Sceptred Isle as the New York Times spins like a dreidel. Here's Hugh Grant (language!):

Response was swift and predictably deadly. I liked this, which you can read here.

And on, and on. Johnson's brilliant, heroic, patriotic and clever move has caused storms of outrage amongst the badly outsmarted left. They're saying it's "undemocratic," as in bypassing Parliament.

Note, This War Hero is 90

But what kind of Parliamentary democracy is it that traitorously ignores the will of the people it's supposed to represent? To say nothing of constitutional precedent.

No democracy at all, will of the people be damned. And that's just it, we're dealing with absolutist revolutionaries who will not, ever, take no for an answer. Until they do, and it looks like Great Britain's following the US in that. Well done, BoJo.

God Save The Queen,



  1. The Queen is smart enough to extricate the UK from the grip of the EuroTrash that duped it into the EU in the first place. BoJo is smart enough to throw in with the USA rather than Brussels. Make the UK Great Again!

  2. Rule Britannia! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  3. And the left hated Mrs.Thatcher as well.

  4. There are tons of moslems in England and in Parliament also. So when someone cries about stuff like this one should ask themselves if it's a British person of one of the 'others'.

  5. Well played... LOL The queen may be old, but she's sly and cunning too... :-D

  6. Jules, YES! And about bloody time.

  7. I've always liked BoJo, LL. Smart fella.

  8. They LOATHED her, and Reagan, Jim.

    Maybe they would've loved them if they'd turned us into a soviet gulag? Sorry, rhetorical question.

  9. Kid, the writing's on the wall.

  10. NFO, God Save The Queen. And Philip, who is awesome at every level.

  11. Unfortunately, commentators here haven't grasped the significance of the old adage 'follow the money'.

    Not quite the same picture emerges if one does, Andrew, or if one looks at the Johnson record....

  12. By the look of things, Andrew's in a bit of trouble, Anon.
