Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Beto Burger

Remember Beto? Neither do we, but here he is miserably failing to fry up a burger in a risible attempt to persuade you that he, the millionaire socialist, is really one of the people.

What's wrong, buddy, the cook's sick? You obviously need more and better servants, and what's with the weird broccoli side? "Oh, I'll have a side of steam-damp broccoli with my burger on a toasted English Muffin," said no one ever.

I mean really, you couldn't make this sh*t  up if you tried. Good work, Beto, you're gonna beat 45 2020, right along with those Kraft Singles. Pathetic.

Dems are flailing. Has Satan abandoned its toys? 




  1. Haha. Hubby loves broccoli. But with cheese sauce. ;-)

    That was pretty funny on the news though. :)

  2. Tsk, tsk, he is showing he is one of we commoners at heart.

  3. I lost the will to live about 3 seconds in. BORRRRRING.
    And he used a cheese slice. Can he not grate real cheese <—- see what I did there...

  4. Dear Lord in heaven - spare me. Single wrapped plastic cheese? No! Broccoli served upside down? No, again. Plunking the meat down crookedly on the bun. No, no, no!

    What a dweeb!

  5. Is there anyone who doesn't see through this nonsense?

  6. These effite liberal phonies do this all the time: peace-nik Michael Dukakis driving a tank, nobody and I mean NOBODY believed his belief in a strong military.

    And uber efite liberal John Kerry, when at the Iowa state fair asking for a cheeseburger with grier cheese and when that hit the air, one of his handlers quickly said 'for God's Sake, somebody put a corndog in his hands....' Or when he wandered into a bait shop in Michigan (I seem to recall) and asked 'where can I get me a huntin' license?'

    Or Pochahontas chugging a bottle of beer (if you call Michelob Lite a beer...).

    Now Beto, trying to convince you and me that he's Wolfgang Puck or Emeril Lagasse out on the back porch whipping up some cheeseburgers...

    Nobody is buying any of this, you shameless pandering phonies....

  7. The Beto Burgers are disgusting. Was he feeding his family or condemned prisoners - or are they one in the same. His children might carry his defective DNA, or maybe Mrs. O'Rorque dallied with somebody else, sparing the children?

  8. Elites... can't do ANYTHING right... because they have to watch youtube to try to figure out how to do things that their 'staff' is normally in charge of...

  9. Juliette!

    But yes, what a wretched display of Kraft Singlespersonship. And this Illuminati shill thinks he'll be prez? Can't even cook a burger.

  10. Nothing wrong with Broc, Linda. It's just the way Beto does it. Who is he again?

  11. Exactly, WSF. Beto shows us he can cook even though his staff is awol.

  12. But Adrienne, Beto's not used to doing it himself!

    What a MillSoc fraud.

  13. Kid, I think it's become painfully transparent to everyone, even the left. Do you remember how Beto was the new Kennedy?

  14. "you shameless pandering phonies"

    Fredd, I can't add to that except to say Satanist Illuminati dupe shills of the NWO. But perhaps that's redundant.

  15. LL, I think what happened was that his staff resigned, leaving Beto to "carry the can." How does that reflect on his DNA? Interesting question.

    Note its teeth.
