Wednesday, May 8, 2019

We Are Underwater Now

Roaring in the heavens, consternation and turbulence on the face of the waters and distress amongst men. It's a lot like the battle of Jutland, but no, this isn't a famous naval engagement, it's just Dallas in the ferocious grip of a Spring storm.

It started around 3.00 am with the crash of thunder and a mighty deluge of rain, shaking the wooden frame of Ma LSP's urban HQ, and it hasn't stopped. Tornadoes are likely, to say nothing of flood damage as God takes just vengeance on the Demoncrats of Winnetka Heights.

Undaunted, I drove to the nearest pick 'n steal for coffee and a scout 'round the neighborhood. Was there a kind of poetry in the sheer number of faux-mex Beto signs being washed away in the flood into the nearest storm drain? Sure there was, and it's gratifying to see the preposterous fake Mexican going the same way as Abortion Barbie. Remember her? No, neither do we.

Regardless, Blue Kriegsmarine isn't fazed by the storm and somehow manages to keep himself from savaging a large plush pug which rests on guard by the fridge in the kitchen. Strange but true.

In other exciting news, the Army cleverly presented the boy to MEPS with incomplete paperwork, so there's a slight delay. He's with a recruiter now, sorting it out.

Swim on,



  1. Maybe John should have joined the Texas Navy?

  2. Sure looks that way, LL. On the plus side, it's encouraging to see libs desperately clinging to flimsy rafts of Beto signs as they're washed downstream into the Trinity.

    They're not aware of the waiting gunboats.

  3. "In other exciting news, the Army cleverly presented the boy to MEPS with incomplete paperwork"

    It is a 243 year old tradition.

  4. I wonder what the reaction would be if you posted a number of signs around town saying, "Irish Bob (Beto) O'Rorque for dog catcher"?

    We know that Blue Devistator would LOOK for Irish Bob to treat him the same way he did the UPS man a couple of years back. And once released, Blue Missile, homes on that signal, no matter Irish Bob might run.

  5. Something is wrong with our bloody pickup trucks today ...

  6. If Beto had beaten Ted Cruz, all of this would not have happened. Beto knows how to get things done. Just ask him, he'll tell you how things should have been done.

  7. The military is definitely good at losing paperwork.
    I hope the Good Lord washed away some liberal signage here, too. We've definitely had the rain for it!

  8. WSF, I've told the Army to "hurry up, please." But the kid's all positive, which is good.

  9. Ha! Irish Bob!

    LL, I may have to quote you.

  10. Borepatch, I hate it when pickups go bad. Mine's been good for years but it's getting to that point of replacement -- planning to go used fleet F140 4x4. But have to get the kid launched first... and I badly need a lever gun(s) and a double 12. Hmmm.

  11. No gain without pain, NFO. I tell the boy that as a kind of cautionary verse, I'm not entirely sure he's convinced!

  12. Fredd, I always thought a BETO was a kind of Mexican sandwich, then I discovered it was Irish Bob.

    Ted Cruz, who's a Texan, is from Calgary.

    Strange, eh?

  13. Linda, the Lord is certainly doing His best to wash away lib agitprop. Amazing grace!

    Be careful in the flood.

  14. The Navy just texted the Corpsman grandson (who has been out for two years going to college) with a welcome to WRNMC Bethesda MD. (His last posting)
