Monday, May 6, 2019

In The Caring Hands Of USGOV

The phone rang, it was a call from Calgary, "Hey dad, it's John, I want to go to Texas and join the Army." I thought about this for a second, "That's great, son, but I thought you wanted to be in a Scandinavian Death Metal band?" No, apparently that laudable ambition had palled.

Just Say No To Death Metal, Or Not, Your Call

The Cadet duly got in touch with a recruiter in Dallas, explaining that he was fed up with being what he called "a hippy" and two months later, last Wednesday, flew through thunder and lightning into the Metrosprawl. 

Boy Needs A Day On The Lake

I drove him over to the recruiters the next day, strike while the iron's hot sort of thing, and all went well. The various Sergeants were pleased to work with a kid who had a high ASVAB score, and sorted out dates for a D-Lab test (linguistic aptitude) and MEPS.

A Typical Church BBQ

So, after a whirlwind weekend of church BBQs and Mass in the rural haven of Hill County, I delivered an apprehensive Cadet into the tender hands of USGOV. Let the selection process begin! 

States Rights

We'll know by Tuesday if MI's the immediate way forward or, failing that, Signals. Then, all things being equal, he should be sworn in Wednesday afternoon and have a date to report for Basic. It's a big step for the young 'un and I respect it, LL even composed a moving poem in the style of a haiku to mark the occasion:

Concentrated mist.
A clear jewel on a leaf.
The river begins.

Let's see. In the meanwhile, well done John, 10 out 10 for good effort in the right direction. Stay tuned for the next installment.

God bless,



  1. It looks as though Blue Recruit liked the haiku.

    Everything needs to start somewhere. John has the right attitude and has worked through his options. I believe that he's on the right track. And it's on him to see things through. I'm proud of him and of you for being a great force for good and inspiration in his life.

  2. LL, Blue Regimental Mascot was vastly impressed by the poetry and even more so by the delicious aroma of beer can chicken. But he had to rest content with the former.

    And thanks for giving J sound advice, it means a lot to him and to me. With you, I think he's on the right track but we'll see. In the meanwhile, it's positive energy towards a good goal and that's all positive.

    You'll laugh, but I put it to him on the way to Dallas that he could join the Corps at A&M and graduate out with a commission. "No dad, I want to do things my way."(!)

    Well, quite. Not easy raising kids, even if at a distance... Anyway, good luck to the guy.

  3. Good for him. Hope it all works out.

    Weird looking dog. Scares me just looking at his picture.

    1. He's a scary little beast, WSF, and that's just the dog.

  4. Congratulations, and a "Well Done" to the young man.

    1. Thanks, drjim. I'd say he's on the right track.

  5. God bless and watch over him, Parson.
    A friend's nephew joined the Marines last year. Been doing a lot of training and he's doing real well. But he's annoyed by all the "Klinger" types that are only interested in getting out.

  6. Bully! Good Lad taking a solid step in the right direction. Between you and LL he has wise counsel. Thank God he will be taking the oath under President Trump.

    1. That, RHT, is an excellent point. Imagine the Obama alternative. Tricky...

      PS. As soon as the dust and the rain settle, let's sort out that range day -- might be a week or two on.

  7. Replies
    1. A big step for the boy, Brig. And a good one!

  8. Kudos to your son -- and to you, LSP.

  9. Glad to see you're back. I thought for a bit that perhaps you'd deserted us here. Anyhow, while I can't wax poetic like LL, I can wish your son all the best in his life choices. Now off to basic where he'll be singing Jody cadence(I guess they still do that) instead of death metal.

  10. Jim, even though death metal has an obvious appeal, I think this is the better course. But not to worry, I'm still on the roster, it's just that things have been busy.

  11. I have no concerns about the kid getting in there and getting dirty! Yee - Haw! Good lad!

    I do, however, have concerns about Larry writing Haiku.

    Why, the Big Bad Wolf
    In wilderness does become
    An art philosopher.

  12. Juliette, what a powerful haiku!

    Here's one on the occasion of the Royal Baby.

    Art philosophy
    Death stare from a mountain top
    Meghan Markle runs.

    Who calls their kid "Archie" anyway?
