Friday, March 22, 2019

Upside Down

The Russia probe's at an end, no indictments apparently. It has to hurt to be MSNBC. Don't say Maddow.

Your Pal,



  1. The Left won't give up in the face of this, of course. The Left will double down.


  2. Dear Lord in heaven - what is that noise emanating from the bowels of that video?

    I know we're all sitting about thinking, "Finally, it's over." Oh, hell noes! Those crazy commies will think of something else to make our lives miserable. Just sitting here waiting for next shoe to hit the floor. At best, we can hope for a peaceful weekend.

    For me, if I finish painting hubby's office today, it will a time for dancing and celebration. The project from hell will be over! Imagine if you will, a room with a vaulted ceiling, three lateral oak file cabinets, a large cabinet for sound equipment (I call it the behemoth), and hubby pecking away at his computer through it all. And don't forget having to remove a disgusting wallpaper border. On the upside, it makes painting the next room seem like a walk in the park.

  3. The game plan now is to down play the Mueller Report; 'nothing to see here, people, move along...' And then continue to dig into Trump's taxes, his campaign finances, you know, the usual Democrat malfeasance and skulduggery.

  4. Mueller, in the end, after making his retirement money (for himself and his cronies), and lacking ANY evidence, finally folded his tent and the aspirations of the Deep State and the Corrupt Media are weeping (more) bitter tears. The Russia collusion narrative is dead even though pawns like Adam Schiff (D-CA) will continue to beat the drum because it's the only drum they have.

    Russia, military in decline, reduced to a regional power with a nuclear arsenal, is doing its best to follow a Russia First agenda, and why shouldn't they? China is having some money problems but it's still promoting its belt road agenda, and the US is energy and food independent, steel industry back in business.

    President Trump has revealed disastrous trade deals with China, Japan, Korea and Europe is re-mapping how business is to be done and the Deep State trembles. All that money in bribes stopped. All those plans to weaken the US have been put on hold. Such a pity -- all that plotting, waiting and hoping that somebody like Beto or the fake Indian will capture the imagination of the voters. Somebody who can read the message of his/her handlers from a teleprompter the way that Barack did.

  5. AOW, Yes (LL Up Votes)

    Frankly I'm surprised Mueller didn't come up with something the communist voters could at least still fantacise about and chew on until the 2020 election. Will they be turned off that their flagship TDS program did not deliver? I think some will, but not the majority.

    It will be fun to laugh at them though when the opportunity arises. "Trump for 6 more Years Princess!"

  6. AOW, watch in wonder as the left goes full Boshevik.

  7. What a racket, Adrienne! But that's the sound of lib heads exploding as the Trump-is-a- Russian-spy! story evaporates into the icy depths of space.

    Congrats on the painting. Was that the border with the cherubs, or did I imagine that?

  8. Fredd, they'll certainly do all they can to say the report/investigation never really existed, and that's hard for them because they put all of their magic power into that malicious fantasy.

    We need to mock them relentlessly.

  9. Well said, LL, and it looks like the Russia gambit was a failure of epic proportions. So was Hillary's bid for power in '16.

    Given that Satan doesn't tolerate failure, heads will roll. Whose?

  10. Kid, they'll keep foaming, frothing, hyperventilating and crying as yet again they wake up and Donald Trump's still their president.

  11. LL,
    I will be featuring your comment tomorrow at my blog.

  12. Yes - it was the ugly fat angels (aka cherubs) GONE! History! Kaput! Painting done. One day reprieve and then on to the "teaching room" which has been renamed the art and music room. I'm thinking I can do the entire room in one day. And.............I won't have to get up on the 8 foot ladder, move a filing cabinet, or put a tarp over a husband.
