Monday, March 4, 2019

Cops And Waiters

I was just back from breakfast with a couple of lawmen when a prominent Detroit food critic called and asked, "What's the difference between cops and waiters?" 

Resisting the urge to say "everything" I kept silent and my old friend replied into the vacuum, "Oh, I don't know. They're just putting their lives on the line at any given moment." I had to laugh, we'd been discussing LE and the Motor City's waitering scene, which my pal knows well.

Oh look, the revolution

Big city waiters and bartenders, sorry, mixologists, are often revolutionary socialists like AOC, and my breakfast friends wondered if we were wandering into trouble.


Will all the enraged Anarcho-Marxist wait staff rise up in revolt when Orange Man Bad wins 2020 against a cast of MillSoc mountebanks, buffoons and charlatans? 

Maybe they will, and all those sustainably farm-to-table repurposed restaurant workers will throw down their plates and annoying craft cocktails to fight the Man. The new bearded plaid proletariat, sort of thing.

Good thing I've got this down vest for the new Ice Age!

Before they do, they might want to remember that one side knows how to shoot.




  1. They've got their Stuff too. 15 $ minimum wage has put a bunch of them out of work and likely on the democrat voter rolls.

    It's all about the votes and the feeding frenzy of stealing money. Did you notice DeBlasio's female black (read free federal money) wife's ah "thing" doesn't know where 850 MILLION DOLLARS went?

    The country can't survive like this.

  2. Now wait (no pun intended) just one minute. I've been a cocktail waitress (including writing the training manual for waitresses at the Hyatt Regency - Houston), a bartender (no one pops beer bottle faster or mixes a junk drink better than moi), and a food waitress (at a fern barn in Minneapolis that includedmy signature sandwich on their menu - turkey,bacon,peanut butter, and mayo on a toasted English muffin.

    No one would accuse me of being a libtard or a shrinking violet. As one of my priest friends here said, "I never thought you were Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." Still trying to figure out if he was insulting me.

    My point being - not all waiters, waitresses, bartenders are revolutionary socialists. Some of us were/are major capitalists who know that their income depends on doing a superior job.

    On the upside - it appears that I will be able to escape my snowy prison and attend Mass on Ash Wednesday :-)

  3. Last picture, corner of the room. If you can't catch the fish, do you shoot them?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ed, I know it's odd but it's true. You'll just have to trust me.

  6. Adrienne, I wish I'd been there! It would've been fun. Hope the Mass goes well.

  7. That, WSF, is an excellent point.

  8. Mixologists (no PhD required), waiters, and buss-persons work for wages (unless they own the place). Nobody is forcing them to work, or to earn money. Maybe mommy has a bedroom for them and is willing to put them up? Of course, in a communist utopia, the doctors should earn the same as the buss-persons, right? Back when I was out working in the 'black arts', 80% of all hospitals in the USSR had no running water. To be fair, most of those were what one would considered to be a clinic. But running water is one of those things that the average man on the street would consider important for any medical facility. They re-used hypodermic needles and simply took the (thick) metal needle to an emery board to get it ready for the next use. That's what you got. Unless you could afford to pay (money rears its ugly head again) and then you'd get a slightly better standard of care. If you could pay a lot, you flew to the West for care and received what all this blog's readers would hold as a standard of care that we are accustomed to.

    That's what you get when the guy who sweeps the floor earns what a doctor does.

  9. Will all the enraged Anarcho-Marxist wait staff rise up in revolt when Orange Man Bad wins 2020 against a cast of MillSoc mountebanks, buffoons and charlatans?


    I hope to be moved out of the Northern Virginia area before that happens.

  10. I live here and I can't think of one.

  11. Hello LSP. Alas, I think your latest post lost its way, spiralling way off course into the usual thickets of paranoia about opposing political agendas and an always fiendish concern with socialism. As Adrienne so rightly points out, most waiters are sickening self-centered capitalists, who care little about anything other than a dollar and are less likely than anyone on the planet to rise up off their couch (or bedframe, it being before noon) for a "cause," political or otherwise.

    I think the meat of the conv. was: "U should hear what waiters say about entering clientele. Every assessment from what holes they like to put it in, to a general idea of income usually to within a percentage point or two accuracy. And yet people worry about cops taking their job lightly." Meaning: the average workplace is rife with the judgement and prejudice people bring to bear towards one another or the "opposition." The difference is that, in support of police, most of whom are decent and good intentioned, cops sustain all this stress and dehumanization while at the same time regularly putting their lives at risk. I'm not sure if this helps clarify. Does it?

  12. Interesting take on it, and I'm betting on the police... Just sayin'

  13. Astro does, or did, make a nice cappaccino. No parking nearby and they've been wating a long time to gentrify, ah re-build, the Corktown neighborhood. The BBQ place next door is good for Michigan, but if you've lived in the South, well.....

  14. Ed, you got me there. Maybe I, ahem, stretched a point...

  15. Thanks for your insightful comment, GL, got it the first time. And the quote, which made me laugh. Well said, but perhaps you didn't read the post?

    It moved on from amusing utterance to the prospect of impending civil/political breakdown thanks to the revolutionary nihilism of the left, using hipster waiters and bartenders, almost universally leftists, see AOC, as a hypothetical.

    OK, frivolous but the point remains, one side knows how to shoot. There's clarity in that and the left knows and fears it. As for the fiendishness of soclialism, well, don't say Gulag.

  16. LL, they keep on coming on. Part of the problem, perhaps, is these people don't have any history, they don't read and can't think. This sets them up nicely for socialism.

    They think they'll all be rich coz the state will take all the money from the rich man and give it to them. Then they wake up and it's a prison camp in Siberia.

    Given the new Ice Age, this will probably be located in Texas.

  17. Good luck, AOW. I never much liked Virginia but don't know the state well; lived across the way in Maryland for a few years and that was pretty lacking too. Proper little suburban hellhole.

  18. NFO, as you know I'm not a betting man but I'll wager my fighting monkey against any three restaurant shifts, yes, THREE, that you're right.

  19. Alright there, Anon. Good luck Corktown and Detroit. Haven't been there in a while but always have fun when I do. I had a strangely good pint or two of beer at Slows once and the food was ok; we ended up at a bar down the road and that was fun two. Forget the name. Cheers.
