Sunday, March 3, 2019

Cheer Up Sunday!

Some of the vast international readership of this popular mind blog are complaining, C'mon LSP, lighten up, it's Sunday! 

And who can blame them, it's not pleasant to be confronted with billionaire pedo Epstein on a Sunday morning. So to correct the balance here's a kitchen carbine, uplifting or what?

A bottle of wine and a .45! Now you're talkin', good times.

And look at this, a resting attack dog. 

See? Better already. In other compelling news, our military's taken some 50 tons of gold from ISIS. Ahem, a certain irregular cavalry unit's in need of funding. Over to you, RHSM.

And now everyone's happy, even though Hillary's unaccountably not in jail, we're in the midst of a new Ice Age and Epstein continues to fly the friendly skies of the New World Order in his especially cozy private jet. 




  1. things are sorta gett'n out of hand when the Padre needs a therapy dog, just say'n. Now guns and grape juice are a given any day. Blessed be...

  2. Brig, you make an excellent point. I'll fix it.

  3. Blue Dreamer always brings a smile. :)

  4. Blue Sentry will not every let a fried pie pass, unchallenged!

  5. I googled your wind selection. Interesting. Am looking forward to giving it a try.

    In my very limited observation, I don't think the late California drought did the wines grown there any favors. My fall back for some time has been the Columbia River Valley.

    My compliments on the AR. Clean and un-cluttered, with a long enough barrel for some decent velocity and range.

  6. Not much fruit of the vine myself, though I feel the Irish turn out a fine product. The carbine and .45 remind me that I need some range time.

  7. Thanks for fixing it, Padre. He has earned his title, and his rest between missions.

  8. He's been a good dog, Linda.

  9. He thinks, LL, that every time I get to eat he should have some of the same meal. I explain that he doesn't get to eat venison backstrap wrapped in bacon or juicy steak because "you're lower down on the metaphysical totem pole." But sometimes I give in.

  10. Thanks for the AR plaudit, it's been a handy little carbine over the years. Started off as a straightforward CMMG and evolved from there into the lightweight blaster of today -- Ballistic Advantage barrel, Hyperfire trigger, Fortis handguard and all the usual Magpul. I've put 1000s of rounds through the little beast and had a lot of fun to boot. A truck gun? Has been.

    Interesting drought/CRV point but see what you think on the Argentinian Malbec. I think it goes well with the new Ice Age.

  11. Jim, me too. Problem here is incessant freezing rain thanks to Global Warming, it's put the range kind of off-limits. Yet another reason to rise up against our globalist overlords.

  12. The weather has indeed been poor this winter. It' currently 1 degree here with snow on the ground. The old saw state's "in like a lion," but here the lion sleeps tonight and has been replaced by a polar bear.

  13. I say, "Cheers" to that LSP!

  14. He just wants to test your food, Parson. To be sure it hasn't been poisoned, or anything. ;-)

    Stay warm! I'm glad our cold is only supposed to be a couple days. And then more rain.

  15. Juliette, right back at you! And while we're at it, please sort out BREXIT, thanks.

  16. That was curiously poetic, Jim. Nice. Less nice is the freezing weather here, the was ICE on the ground this morning. That's right, frozen water, in Texas.

  17. Linda, he's very selfless when it comes to food tasting!

    It's freezing here, like that movie when New York gets flash frozen but it's rural Texas.

  18. Brig, you're right. He's earned his title and rest. Mind you, he THINKS he's a young dog...

  19. ".... your wind selection."

    Right. I'll take Taco Bell for 1000, Alex.

    Thanks for reading through my typo.

    Ballistic Advantage. Do tell. I know they are out there, but you are my first direct contact with another user. I got one of their 18-inch B A Hanson barrels. Spooky accurate. First three rounds (my handloads) after bore sight were at 25 yards, off the bench (indoors), 1-6 power scope. I had to retrieve the target to confirm that the one hole I was looking at was in fact not quite round, and all three rounds had gone in one hole.

    I also got one of B A's nickle boron coated bolt carrier groups. This is hands down the smoothest running AR I have ever fired. Just bang, mild recoil. No sensation of reciprocating parts.

    Aero Precision upper and lower, Geissele SSA two stage trigger, BCM keymod 15-inch handguard. The stock assembly is just new old stock I had left over from back in the early 90's. It looks to be a standard issue A2 buttstock, however it actually the old A1 length, shorter by an inch.

    Hope your range dries out soon!

  20. RHT -- I was amazed at the accuracy and bang for the buck, *spooky accurate at the right price is right on. So I guess I'm a salesman.

    How d'you find Aero Precision? I have an older 7.62 variant and it shoots well, zeroed to .168 grain. Great scope from somewhere. That said, fit and finish could've been better but maybe things have improved?

    On a tangent -- I like the deadly assault rifles a lot. But the prob, when you get into heavier rounds, is they get... heavier. And I have to say, I'm not 20 years old anymore, annoyingly. There was a time when I could run around with one of these weighty beasts and not care. Harder now.

    Point being, the slimmed down, lighter hunting rifle has a point. Still, I love the AR platform, even though it's a dirty beast.

    But hey, maybe I'll build a Grendel for kicks this year as a kind of runner up for 2020.

  21. Many thots. Email sent.

  22. Thanks for that, did you get the reply?
