Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Check Out This Beto

Perhaps the last post was a bit serious, too click on the links and discover the satanic heinousness that is the Belgian church. So here's a Beto infographic via LL to lighten the Lenten load.

And no, Beto's not a faux Mexican sandwich, he's the reincarnation of JFK.




  1. This idiot is going nowhere unless he eats at least 16 tons of New Mexico regenerative dirt.

    Makes me no nevermind

  2. Beto is just a later version of Napoleon Dynamite - an evil Napoleon Dynamite with a dark and some would say, Satanic past.

  3. Kid, I really hope you're right. Texas was a close thing in the mid terms...

  4. Whenever I think of Beto, LL, I think of those Mexican sandwiches. And didn't he write some kiddy pron? Come to think of it, Bernie was up to something similar in the '70s. What's wrong with these people?

  5. I am shocked. Yes, SHOCKED. How could you have used "Made in China" playing cards for target practice? You should used ones labeled "Made in the USA".

    Buy American.

    Pray with the 1928 BCP.

    And read the KJV.

    But, if "in Christ we are all one people", shouldn't every TEC diocese ordain women?

  6. Anon, I was waiting for someone to note the Chicom cards. All the more reason to shoot them, perhaps.

    Then there's TEC and the priestess brigade. Bit of a moot point because all their dioceses ordain them, unlike St. Paul. Maybe he didn't understand his own epistles?
