Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Noble Indian

Noble Indian
Who served in Vietnam
Except he didn't

Your Pal,



  1. He is now saying Vietnam Era Veteran or some such drivel. So am I and I never got closer to Vietnam than Ft Leonard Wood, MO.

  2. Nothing wrong with being a Vietnam Era Vet. You go where they send you. I would, however prefer the term "Cold War Vet" for those who didn't do a tour. That aside, Don Shipley, the ex-navy SEAL stolen valor guy got a hold of his records and found his service was somewhat less than stellar. Recon Ranger is apparently the term for reservist refer mechanics who never leave CONUS.

  3. If you want a good laugh watch this REAL seal take the faux Vietnam vet marine down several pegs, warning strong words but well used, he found the indians paperwork when the media "just can't"

  4. Hubby and I are "Vietnam era vets" of sorts, but only because we enlisted before the war was over. We got the National Defense Service Medal; but we rarely refer to that part of our service because we were barely out of tech school when the war ended.

    We met someone in Mississippi at a flea market who had an SR-71 Mach 3 patch on his jacket. Now Beale AFB was our first assignment together, and hubby's all time favorite assignment. So we started chatting with him. Our first clue he was fake was when he said his favorite assignment was as co-pilot. Um...?
    Got so he wouldn't even look at us. I think he knew he'd been found out.

    Just sad.

  5. WSF, I'm hoping stolen valor hubris will strike in the form of pro bono nemesis. To put it another way, let's see that faked up agitprop Indian sued right back into his tomtom.

  6. Thanks for the vid, Jim. Good stuff.

    I told Ma LSP, "I'm a vet," she laughed! Well, a veteran of the Gloucestershire Regiment and a THOUSAND PSYCHIC WARS, yes.

  7. Co-Pilot? In a SR-71?

    Linda, that Trail of Fake Tears Indian needs all kinds of attention and why is it that the Dems always produce these civil rights frauds to go after normal people? Remember the "Gentle Giant" etc and the whole BLM ghetto skulduggery?

  8. Sorry, Jim, I conflated you with the Egyptian...

    Egyptian, great vid.

  9. No worries LSP. That's video I saw as well.

  10. He looks like an alcoholic.

    Just sayin'.

  11. Amazing! Thank you. I did have my doubts. What is curious however is that supposedly having served in Vietnam is now considered by the Left to be a mark of respectability. Don't think that was the left-radical view of the time was it? I sort of got that message watching Rambo II recently trying to find out the facts and what happened. Furthermore, in that film the Vietnamese had won. So why would he claim to be Vietnam Vet since the USA didn't win and had to send Rambo there to square things up. Very puzzled...

  12. That's an excellent point, AOW. I 2nd the motion.

  13. It's totally confusing, PL. The 'Nam Vet didn't serve in 'Nam but he was a fridge technician who went AWOL several times. Was he drunk at the time? We don't know. He's also an actor, a bit like Rambo but possibly more drunken. And yes, the left idolizes our struggle against communism in Vietnam even though they hate it. A bit like Russia, which they loved and now want to go to war with because they love NATO, which they used to hate.

    Weird how the party of peace and tolerance have turned themselves, phoenixlike, into a nest of transsexual jingo hawks.
