Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How To Join The Hollywood Elite

I know, you've been wondering how you too can join the Millionaire Socialist, celebrity elite rulership of this NWO satrapy called "North America." It's not hard, just follow the infographic. Here it is.

Then think of all the money you'll have. While you're at it, look at Debra's eyesAdrenachrome? Surely not, that's a myth, just like Marina Abramovic, Podesta, ritual occultism and the DNC. 

Millionaire socialist Debra Messing's net worth is a paltry $20 million. Imagine what Debra and her friends think of you, on your pathetic little salary.

Justified and ancient,



  1. Robert Redford? 1973 we were living in Odgen, UT. My wife was an account at the local hospital and got on the elevator with a man. As they rode to the fourth floor he kept looking at her expectantly. Later someone announced breathlessly, "Robert Redford is in the house". Her reaction? "So, that must have been the creep in the elevator". Point being these "celebrities" and "elites" feed on public attention and seek it out.

  2. Haha. That is great, WSF!

    Personally, I am tired of all those Hollywood hypocrites telling me what to think and do.
    I'd rather be "poor".

  3. How many of them are ritual occultists, WSF? Serious question.
