Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Diocese of Toronto Goes Full Rainbow

Just in case you thought it hadn't happened already, news is in that the Anglican Diocese of Toronto's gone full rainbow, with it's suffragan bishop marrying his partner, Mr. Mohan Sharma.

Assistant bishop Kevin Robertson married Mohan Sharma at a gay marriage ritual presided over by the Bishop Figure of Niagara Susan Bell, in a rainbow worship ceremony in St. James Cathedral.

The Diocese of Toronto congratulated the lucky couple while asking "who put the squirrel in the middle":

"The Diocese of Toronto congratulates Bishop Kevin Robertson and Mr. Mohan Sharma, who were married today at St. James Cathedral in the presence of their two children, their families and many friends, including Archbishop Colin Johnson and Bishop Andrew Asbil. We wish them much joy in their marriage."

Perhaps you think this is some kind of pathetic joke. You'd be right in thinking that. 

Over the rainbow,



  1. Abominations shouldn't stand. But as you've pointed out in the past, the Archbishop promotes these filthy practices.

  2. I'm left shaking my head. One's sexuality is one's own business, but it should not be condoned by the church.

  3. What Jim said. The churches must be in a money pinch and will now take it from anyone. When will they condone beastiality.

  4. Does a legitimate Canadian communion exist?

  5. Aren't they just, Juliette! Every day's Lei Day, over the rainbow.

  6. LL, I think ACoC's pretty much gone and turned itself into a Pride Parade. Let's see how quickly they make the transition from that to sharia.

  7. Good question, Kid. Someone once said to me, "What will it take to make people say enough's enough? When they start sacrificing pigs on the altar?" He had a point. For what it's worth, I'd argue the apostate denoms will eventually hollow themselves out to LGBTQI non existence and people who actually believe in Christianity will move forward. In the meanwhile, how many will become Muslims?

  8. Jim, I totally agree. Mind you, given that everything we do affects everyone else, perhaps the rainbow juggernaut and its islamic frenemy needs to be put back in its box?

  9. AOW, there was a time when this lighthearted post would've been satire. Now it's just par for the course. And they wonder why the pews continue to empty.

  10. Thanks for the links, Anon. Postworthy...

  11. LL, word has it that Lambeth Palace was taken over by Mantis People some time ago.

  12. 'Professing themselves to be wise they became fools".
    What a tragedy. No wonder your church and diocese is becoming more and more irrelevant. God will wipe you out when sin is celebrated in this manner.
