Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Horror!

Terrifying, isn't it! Thanks, Egyptian, for the outstanding infographic.

Out demons out,



  1. We know that she loves the little children...but if you find her gnawing flesh from your daughter's tibia, you shouldn't get upset. It just means that Hillary got hungry.

    The lesson in this is that you shouldn't let your children anywhere near Her Satanic Majesty.

  2. Now that was truly frightening! My nerves are shattered now and I will likely spend the day cowering in my basement. Can't. Have to work the range today. I usually get a chance to do a little shooting when things get slow and perhaps that will help calm me. Still, just in case, I wonder if they make silver bullets in 5.56?

  3. Might explain here sudden wearing of the muumuu, although I still wonder if the horns are retractable? or do they unscrew?

    As soon as I saw the pic I thought of you Parson

  4. Imagine, LL, letting your kids hang out with Hillary! Don't say "Podesta Art Collection."

  5. Jim, I apologize. That was a terrifying picture and yes, we must all stock up on silver bullets.

  6. Egyptian, the MuMu!

    Thanks for the helpful infographic.
