Sunday, August 26, 2018

Fixing Up The Compound

I won't deny it, having a Compound's awesome but here's the thing, if it's made of painted wood it has to be maintained. Otherwise, let implacable logic show, the paint peels off, the wood rots and the whole mighty edifice of the thing falls down.

A Typical Detroit Street Scene

Sure, ruins are nostalgic, melancholy tributes to past greatness and have their value, no doubt about it but you can't live in them. Unless it's Detroit, which is different.

Rig & Porch

With that in mind, we got the place repainted and the job's almost done but there's a glitch. A load bearing beam under the front porch has been eaten away by ants or termites and must be replaced. It's a problem here in Texas.

Nearly There

And it'll take a while because of our crew's work schedule. Well, the beast won't fall down in the next month or so and there it is. An historic Texan home saved from becoming an historic Texas ruin.

Speaking of ruin, there's a lot of yard signs everywhere announcing "Beto." What the devil's a "Beto", some kind of sandwich?

Looking forward to Opening Day,



  1. That's a definitie improvement. I'm waiting for Blue Inspector's opinion on the work before I offer my final verdict though. The problem with Blue Inspector is that his inspection outcome can be swayed by a fried cherry pie or a piece of chicken...or a steak, a hamburger or even a pat on the head.

    1. So far Blue Quality Control seems pleased with the job, LL.

      Have I bribed him with hamburger and dog treats?

      Sometimes we have to bend the rules to get the JOB DONE.

  2. I was just wondering how the painting was coming along. Now I know. It looks wonderful, LSP. Now you need two urns on either side of the front steps on the cement/brick side thingys with something alive. Well done plastic ones will be just fine and less costly.

    Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke (September 26, 1972) is an American politician and businessman serving as the U.S. Representative for Texas's 16th congressional district in his native El Paso, first elected in 2012. He is the Democratic nominee in the 2018 Texas Senate race, running against Republican incumbent Ted Cruz.

    1. And hanging ferns + a porch swing, Adrienne. It'll look neat when it's done.

      The Dems are hyperventilating over Beto. He's their magic savior. I think he sounds like some kind of foreign sandwich.
