Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Maya Angelou MillSoc Saint

Did you notice how the popular search engine, Google, didn't reference Holy Week or Easter on its home page? You know, the one where you type in stuff to look for as you're met with an animated seasonal infographic detailing the life of some hero, like Jesus. 

No, not like Jesus. The Illuminati tech overlords of Google X'd Christ out of the equation on the holiest week of the Christian year. Like the puritans of old they ignored Easter but they didn't ignore Maya Angelou today.

Ten Mill!

Angelou was a Castro supporting communist with a handy net worth of $10 million, putting her well up there with the bicoastal, MillSoc elite. She was also friends with Millionaire Socialist Oprah and the notoriously wealthy socialist Clintons. 

And she was a poet, a great, inspired, awesome poet and a fan of the Nation of Islam. Perhaps that's because she thought Mohammedanism was all about black civil rights and stick it to the Man. 

Recite that in your MillSoc $3 million New York condo as you sing along to Imagine. Go on, I dare you.

In the meanwhile, reflect on Google's sense of priorities and consider a boycott, if you haven't already. 

Your Friend, 



  1. To blog (on blogger) or not to blog? To boycott or not to boycott? Those are the questions.

  2. Google has been pulling this type of stunt for a long time. Ignore it, there is too much important stuff that needs addressing...

  3. Historical Context and Precedence. I understood 9 years ago that the Internet would not "vanish" and that our posts and comments would endure even if one single entity wanted to delete them. Everyone spiders the Internet these days and they download it in its entirety. I started Virtual Mirage to document that not everyone went along with the ObamaNation as the corrupt, sly, smug, lying, elite media represented. My blog was a way of expressing myself FOR THE RECORD maybe a hundred years from now. It was a form of 'loyal resistance' to the system.

    Today, it's changed, in part because of the election of President Trump. But I still want to document my support for President Trump. One man's small voice in a sea of other voices - for the historical record.

    So whether Google wants to glorify a negro lady with a bent toward communism and radical progressive leanings - They can do it. History will record that they're idiots.

  4. DuckDuckGo.....does everything Google does.....except track you. I dumped Google a long time ago.

  5. Well said, LL, on several counts. Speaking of which, Google/Blogger shut me down for a while last year but changed their hive mind. Anyway, there's a backup in place.

    It must gall them to see Drudge/Brietbart/Zero etc and the small sites doing well despite their best prog efforts.

  6. Brig, I have to say I don't pay it too much thought!
