Thursday, April 5, 2018

Archbishop Of Wales Captured On Camera

Welsh schoolchildren got the fright of their lives when they met the Archbishop of Wales, John Davies, a few days before Easter after the Archbishop landed in a field outside Haverfordwest, Pembrokshire.

"It was terrifying," stated student spokesperson, Rhys Morgan, "At first we saw bright lights floating above Market Street and thought it was a UFO. Then it landed and out came the Archbishop. We asked him if he believed in the resurrection and he said, 'I don't think any of us actually knows, frankly.' Then he climbed back in his spaceship and flew off. We were scared out of our wits!"

However, while the frightened schoolchildren believe they saw the Archbishop of Wales, paranormal expert, Gareth Hunt, isn't convinced. "It looks like the Archbishop but it could be a fly on the lens, a hang-glider, or a simple camera malfunction. We can't jump to conclusions."

Archbishop Davies succeeded Barry Morgan in September, 2017, who was often spotted by UFO enthusiasts above the coastal towns of Borth and Aberystwyth as well as the Bristol Channel.

Ad Astra,



  1. The Archbishop's face does not engender trust. He looks like a perv. Then again, if he's flying around the Welch coast like a chickenhawk, who can judge. If there was an RAF, they would have shot him down.

    1. LL, you raise several interesting points. Of course the whole thing could simply be the result of a broken camera, but the children say no...

  2. I'm with Gareth hunt. Always.

  3. I can understand that, Jules. But what colour are his eyes? No, not white.

  4. Don't worry, Juliette. I've checked my privilege.
