Saturday, April 21, 2018

Illuminati Sex Cult Exposed

Allison Mack

Have you heard of NXIVM, the self-help marketing organization founded by Keith Raniere in 1998? You know, the one that had a top tier of wealthy female sex slaves, branded with Raniere's initials and forced into a life of servitude and strict diet. 

Keith Raniere

Painful, surely, and if it looks, sounds and acts like an occult group of rich, Crowleyite, Thelematic degenerates, so be it. But hold on, this has to be the stuff of conspiracy and fantasy? Not so fast. 

A Typical NXIVM Brand

In March, 2018, Raniere was hauled out of his getaway $10k a week Mexican villa by police and brought to justice in the US, where he faces charges of sex trafficking and forced labor.


Smallville actress, Allison Mack, who'd been hiding out in Mexico with Raniere, was also arrested on similar charges. Mack allegedly ran Raniere's sex slave ring.

Also, according to Twitter, Mack's all in favor of Marina Abramovic. You might remember Abra, she's the hermetic performance artist behind spirit cooking.

Connect the dots or not, it's up to you.

Carry on,



  1. If Hillary had been elected president, they would have been pardoned. (Lock Her up - too)

  2. LL - if Hillary had been elected they would have been holding orgies in the White House.

    This sort of thing makes me sick to my stomach.

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  4. LL, I agree.


    And Abra.

  5. Imagine the scenario, Adrienne. Oh, you already have, apologies.

    Lock them up.

  6. I'm like friends with all 7.5 billion people on Earth. And I told them about this and they all want to join the Illuminati and each paid a billion dollars a year.

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    CALLS: (‪+2348113088949‬)

    WARNING: only those who are interested to become a member of the church of Satan are allow to visit office or send a mail to the email address below. Do not contact if you are not interested and once you contact there is no going back. so think before contacting. BEWARE!!!

    Instagram: @ Service666operation ...
