Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Conjuring Trick With Bones

A day late and a couple of decades short but rest in peace, apostate  bishop, David Jenkins, onetime prelate of Durham.

Back when you were alive you mocked the resurrection as a "conjuring trick with bones," and York Minster was struck by lightning and gutted by fire.

Undaunted, a sturdy third of CofE clergy are with you on the resurrection and a solid 50% express the same kind of doubt about the Virgin Birth.

Roll those bones and see if you come out ahead.

God bless,



  1. Yes, the roley-poley lesbians roll out the liturgical dance in comfortable shoes and the church leaders deny the resurrection, virgin birth, heaven, hell and Satan - leaving precisely what? Maybe you need to ask them why their churches are empty and the collection plate is dusty?

  2. They keep doubling down, LL, and having eyes persistently fail to see.

    Mystery of iniquity springs to mind.
