Thursday, March 8, 2018


On Wednesday there's Stations of the Cross followed by a class on the Apostles' Creed. On Thursday there's Stations of the Cross at a different church, followed by soup and salad and fellowship. That's Lent for you but here's the thing, the second church is close to a lake.

So, after a tasty if frugal meal of soup I drove down to the lake for a recce to see what the fish were up to. 

These New Rods Need To Be Broken In

It felt good to clamber down the limestone bluff as the sun was setting and you could smell Texas; cedar and sage blown in on clean, clear air. It smells like freedom and a land that's barely been settled but did it augur fish?

No, not this time. I didn't see anything break the water, despite the golden hour time of day. They were probably sleeping, like Western Civilization itself before the onslaught of fanatical Jihad. Fish are like that, they lie suspended and unthinking in the chill water of the lake, waiting for warmer weather to stir them on.

Where's The Fish?

Still, even though the fish were asleep at the wheel, the heavens weren't and it was good to see the sun set over the lake.

We'll be back and back in force; there's outrageously good fishing to be had in just this spot. I know this from experience.


Wait 'til the Bass are blitzing.

Your Old Mate,



  1. You can always fall back on Karen's for a brisket burrito if the fish don't bite.

    Easter is coming!

  2. Hello!!! Do you want to me a member of the great illuminati brotherhood and earn a chance of receiving $30,000 every month and be popular among others and have riches,wealth and fame beyond measures?this is the only open opportunity of being a member of the great brotherhood illuminati,i was sent by freemason high chief to bring 42members into the brotherhood,i have gotten 30,so we are looking for 12 lucky members,try and be among the 12people to be rich,wealthy and famous.
    Email us or text us on whatsapp;+2348032476611 so that we can begin the joining process.

  3. What an idiot this "graham hood" is.

    Beg pardon, Parson.

    A blessed fishing weekend to you, if the good Lord will stop the rain long enough. :-)

  4. That's an excellent and very good call, LL.

  5. I want the money, GH. SEND IT ON.
