Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year MAGA!

Here it is, New Years and it's only natural to count the blessings of the past year, such as criminal Hillary not being the President. Check out this video, thanks to Adrienne, and see if you agree.

Watch to the end and notice the irenic tone of the infovid; resist the temptation to "school" our loser Hillaryite friends and "heal" instead.

Perhaps this famous Trump election night anthem will help the process as we move into 2018.

Dance on and death to the Illuminati NWO elite.

Happy New Year!




  1. It is seven degrees. Seven degrees (Fahrenheit not Celsius) in NYC this morning.

    Fortunately New Year's Eve was pretty quiet in my neighborhood. No firecrackers. I guess the NYPD was checking for green cards.

  2. We had our usual few peeps blowing off things that made Frankie doggie shiver in fear - and that was at 10 pm right before I hit the sack. But not before scarfing down a bunch of crackers and creamy blue cheese, closely followed by a delicious take-and-bake pizza, and a chocolate cupcake. Weight Watchers points through the roof.

    I hope your New Year's eve was delightful.

    God bless you and your family, LSP. You're an inspiration for many people.

    1. Thanks, Adrienne, you're kind. And I have to say, sometimes a take and bake hits the spot!

  3. Just a fewvrandom gun shots and fireworks here. Perhaps it was too cold for anything extreme.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Energizing music for the New Year. Wishful thoughts would see Hillary in prison this year (lock her up). MAGA

    And happy new year!
