Saturday, November 18, 2017


Briefcases full of money , bribery, kickbacks, extortion, shady non-disclosure agreements, Russian agents. And no, this isn't another page in the Weinstein scandal or even a campaign snapshot from Trump's successful bid for the Presidency. It is, allegedly, all about Team Obama and Hillary Clinton.

As all the world now knows, Team O and Hillary's State Department OK'd the sale of a Canadian company, Uranium One, to Russia's Rosotom, giving Russia a 20% interest in US uranium production.

Well, so what. So a lot, given that Uranium One owners donated a nifty $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. And why would some eight other US agencies, besides the State Department sign off on the deal, and how could it be that the Podesta Group had Uranium One as a client?

For that matter, why would AG Loretta Lynch, who notoriously never met on the tarmac with Bill Clinton, authorize an NDA shutting down an FBI informant who witnessed... yes, you guessed it, briefcases full of cash, courtesy of Russia.

So many questions; obviously pay to play doesn't come cheap. By the way, the informant in question, William Campbell, has videos of this corruption in motion, apparently, and is due to testify before Congress next week. 

Hillary, who is known by her handlers as CRONE and OLD BOOT, vehemently denies all knowledge of the deal. Of course she didn't know anything about it, I mean to say, how could she?

In the meanwhile, Hannity's fired off another tweet, hinting at an avalanche of swamp draining activity and who knows, maybe AG Sessions is on the case.

The clock is ticking, Hillary.




  1. The Clinton Machine is a large version of mini-Democrat machines spread across the nation: San Francisco, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta and I can go on. Where is the FBI in all this -- Acting Director Andrew McCabe's wife received $500K from laundered Clinton funds and he's still calling the shots in America's premier law enforcement agency. That's how it rolls.

    It's a DEEP STATE with a DEEP SWAMP.

    1. I'd forgotten about the McCabe business.

      It seems corruption runs DEEP indeed.

  2. What do we get when millions of Americans chant 'lock her up, lock her up...'?

    Same thing we got when we chanted '4 more years, 4 more years!' for George H.W. Bush in 1992.

    I starting to think this chanting thing isn't worth a bucket of cold spit.

  3. PS: and just remember my funny, funny joke: what's the difference between Hillary Clinton and a ham sandwich? You can indict a ham sandwich.

    This joke has legs, and it just keeps getting funnier and funnier every year.

    1. And let's forget, Fredd, that a ham sandwich makes for a tasty snack.

      I wouldn't say that about Hillary.

  4. Where are the people that should make the swamp draining happen, government employees on paid leave I fear.

  5. Comrade, nothing will happen to Hillary. The Party is untouchable and so are its members.

    1. Yes, Comrade Infidel. I will now report my thoughtcrime to the Party!
