Sunday, November 19, 2017

All In A Day's Work

If you went to Mass, like a Christian, you might have noticed that the Gospel was all about servants being given Talents, vast sums of money which they have to give an account of at the Last Judgement. 

One miserable servant buries his Talent in the ground and gives it back to his returning master only to get roundly castigated, "You wicked and slothful servant!" 

Typical Brush Pile

It seems harsh until you compute the eternal cost of burying and ignoring your God-given ability, the Word of God and the indwelling presence of Christ in your life.

Imagine, when our Lord returns in clouds of glory and looks you straight in the eye and says, "What did you do with the skills I gave you, the Good News of salvation and Myself?" And you, looking shiftily at the ground reply, "Well, I buried all that in the ground, in a pit." It doesn't look good, does it.

Stand At Ease!

With that in mind, the Cadet and a Force Multiplier worked hard today after Mass, clearing brush behind the church. It's a significant job and they worked hard, using their God given abilities for the increase of the Kingdom.

Random Battle Rifle

And let the reader understand, it kept them off the streets and outta the bars. Well done, kids.

It's better outdoors,



  1. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

  2. I can't abide or tolerate a slothful servant.

    1. Yes, Juliette. Why have a dog and bark yourself?

  3. Woohoo. That looks like big time fun. I LOVE to whack bushes and trees. Keeps me off the streets too just like the cadet.

    1. I have to agree with LL on this one, Adrienne.

  4. Well every girl at HHS knows JH loves "bushes". Keep up the good work cadet.
