Monday, September 11, 2017


It's 9/11 and the flags are flying in this small Texan farming community. Of course they're always flying at the Compound but on special occasions extra flags go out, courtesy of the Town and our local militias. I like that, it seems right.

It's right, too, to remember the Saudi Arabian driven attack on the US and the subsequent never-ending war that's followed, a war in which we're seemingly incapable of naming our enemy. Would that be because we're allied to the Mecca-based opposition? Perhaps.

Shortly after the attack I was in London, in a pub, oddly enough. I was all for America unleashing on Saddam and full of righteous retribution. But a friend countered, suggesting that it might be a better solution to attack Saudi Arabia and arm the Kurds. With hindsight, good call.

Speaking of foreign policy, let's not forget Hillary. Yes, the same deceitful, spiritually dead harridan who blamed the deaths of Benghazi on a video and fell into a drunken, violent rage when she lost the election and the power she craved; what of her? Why, the answer's easy.




  1. The Kurds definitely deserve more support than they've been getting.

    1. That's my feeling too, Linda, but I'm no expert.

      I like the way they pound ISIS.

  2. Replies
    1. That's a given, LL.

      Must get a Bonnie Blue...

  3. Harridan Hillary will never see the inside of a jail cell. Laws do not apply to Democrats. Our elite are above the law.
