Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Best Ads Ever!

Team LSP never sleeps, which is why we're able to present you, the reader, with these neat street ads, straight from the streets of London itself, the erstwhile Capital of the greatest Empire the world has ever seen. 

Have a look.

Not too keen on men!

Better stand stalwart for all the oppressed interior designers and womyn politicians, pop stars, CEOs and models.

Hetero Male Supremacy? Nein Danke.

Lesbyterianism? Different story. That's very Paris Commune, womyn-up the barricades and storm the Winter Palace.

So we have to ask, who designed this genius, Madonna?

We are the small axe, you are the big tree, we're going to cut you down.




  1. They think that they're cool and suave, but they're just foul ups. (keeping it clean for the children, LSP)

  2. They are indeed silly LL, but someone has spent a fortune on adverts like this across London. What next - "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength"?

  3. If I wanted cisnormative hetero oppression I'd read my own blog, thank you! Harrumph!

  4. Nobody cares.


  5. Juliette, I haven't had mushy peas in ages but I remember liking them. Neat ads, eh?

  6. I thought the ads were a silly joke at first, LL. But they're real, hopefully the children aren't too traumatized!

  7. Lots of cash behind that blast on ye strumpet of lesbyterianism, Anonymous, that's for sure.

  8. I'm off to my safe space, Infidel, triggered by your cisnormal microaggression.

  9. UPDATE: Somebody (not me) has KO'd the power supply to the electronic billboard in the photograph. I guess someone cared enough to cut a high voltage cable.

  10. Interesting development, LLB.
