Monday, July 31, 2017

Melania Mondays!

Like Fortuna herself, White House Communications Directors come and go but one thing remains constant. That's right, Melania Mondays! bringing you uplifting news of America's glamorous and popular First Lady. 

Melania's not been idle, far from it. The former Yugoslavian model has sparked a tourist boom in Slovenia, inspired children, encouraged interns at the White House and booked a trip to Canada, where she's set to lead the US delegation at the Invictus games in Toronto.

Melania Looks Kindly At Wintour

Not shabby, and even Vogue, the world famous transsexual magazine, is so impressed that it's praised Melania for defining First Lady style. But that's not all.

According to the ever-reliable NBC, the First Lady's "disgusted" at Mooch's language and who can blame her? Well done, Melania, for taking a stand for decency and professionalism; after all, it's the White House, not a scene from Good Fellas.

Thank you, First Lady, for continuing to do your part to make America great again.




  1. She's a class act.

    Maybe we could make her an honorary member of the Dallas Light Cavalry?

  2. I see her as an Honorary Colonel?

    It's an obvious fit.

  3. I was going to comment on how classy she is, but LL beat me to it....

  4. Coming late to this party, but I have two little points to make. Firstly, Brigitte Macron actually has very pretty legs if she'd just lower her skirt length and cover her knees.

    Secondly, I don't when woman not wearing stockings came into vogue, but I think it looks terrible. First of all, growing up in the shoe bizz (my dad, in addition to having an insurance agency, also owned shoe repair shops), so I can say with some certainty that there is nothing nastier than bare feet in shoes. It's not only bad for the shoes, it's bad for feet which shed skin cells at an alarming rate. The thought of putting my bare feet into closed shoes makes me cringe.

    The fact that Melania can pull off the look with her smooth skin doesn't mean she should. That being said - the red suit is gorgeous, as are all of her clothes.

  5. French Prez. Macron married a woman old enough to be his mother.

    American President Trump did not.

    Melania would look splendid in a riding uniform - and yes, Colonel is appropriate. We need to instruct her in the proper way to carry a riding crop while she inspects the troops, occasionally whipping it down to strike her boot when she sees something out of line. Naturally NOTHING would be out of line at the DLC, but we aren't the only irregular cavalry company in Texas.

  6. I think Melania will enjoy her new title, LL, and so will the regiment, obviously.

  7. He's quick off the draw, drjim!

  8. Adrienne, I have to say it's not a very flattering picture of Brigitte. But Melania does look good in that red suit.

    Interesting shoe point.

  9. Melania has class, and knows how to comport herself. She would definitely be an asset to the DLC.

    Adrienne, remember all those little ol ladies with nylons with rolled tops that their dresses barely covered... lol Who knew it was to keep their shoes

  10. Something tells me Melania could be very, very strict. I see that LL has noticed this too.

  11. I think she would, Brig, and the troopers agree. They're all for it and who can blame them?

  12. That, Juliette, is a very good point.
