Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Smash The Statues!

The best thing about removing statues of honorable Confederate generals is that it's going to eliminate poverty, injustice and oppression everywhere. 

No longer will persons of color and feminist theater study majors have to trudge in slavery under the baleful glare of General Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jeb Stuart. Smash the statues! Strike off the manacles of fascism! And by the way, eliminate borders so that everyone can be controlled by our unimaginably wealthy transnational elite at slave labor wages.

To coin a phrase, what a crock. So come on, Sabo et al, let's see some life size Confederate street art, everywhereAs I pondered this on the Compound's southern values porch, my son came out, looking suspiciously sharp. 

"A friend's coming to get me," he announced cheerily. "Well that's nice, kid," I replied, like a member of Parson's Brigade and before you could whistle Dixie, up pulls the friend in a brand new, gleaming white F250.

Not My Rig

I tell you, it made my rig look like child's play.

Ride on,



  1. This whole thing with the statues is making me almost physically ill. Most of those statues are gorgeous and should be left the hell alone. Maybe they'd rather have a statue of Mao. Dopes.

  2. Adrienne, I think it's a kind of spastic hate reflex to losing the election, bought and paid for by Hillary and its puppet masters.

    And more seriously, if these goons actually cared about the ghetto, and they should, why aren't they offering a solution, like jobs? Because they don't care.

    Such hypocritical Fauxtrage.

  3. Maybe they'd rather have a statue of Mao. Dopes.

