Monday, August 14, 2017

Melania Mondays!

Perhaps you've forgotten that it's Melania Mondays!, what with all the statue disturbance going on. Nothing quite like destroying a statue to establish a brave new world globalist utopia, eh? Open borders, TPP, anyone? Occupy Soros, you risible, amnesiac hippies.

Regardless, here at the Compound we most certainly haven't forgotten about the best day of the week. That's right, Monday, Melania Monday

And guess what, America's popular First Lady hasn't been idle, far from it. She's taken a stand for decency, denouncing the recent violence in Charlottesville on social media, “Our country encourages freedom of speech, but let's communicate w/o hate in our hearts. No good comes from violence.”

Well said, FLOTUS. Take note, Soros-funded fauxtrage; peace and love, please. And remember this. Message to market, /our guys know how to shoot. But that's not all.

Melania's popularizing heels. 8" big time. Good work, Melania. Right in the X Ring.

First Lady, you look good. Thank you for doing your part to make America great again.




  1. Here's what I like about Melania: She always looks classy and carries herself with style; like a Royal princess. This is important because she is a role model for her people and indeed the world. But most of all, I like what I see behind the facade of the elegant clothes and the public mask. I feel a little sorry for her sometimes as I'm not sure this is where Melania wants to be or envisaged being but she takes it in her stride.And anyone who can stride in 8 inch heels has my respect. Classy behaviour.
    But, most of all, her resting bitch face is fabulous. Love that!

  2. That's a very good point, Jules. She does have an outstanding RBF!
