Wednesday, August 30, 2017


In Aberystwyth you're not allowed to shoot Glocks or AR15s because they're far too dangerous. So when my brother drove over from Dallas, where he's taking a vacation from "Aber", I loaded up the rig with some deadly assault rifles and a couple of .45s. And off we went to the range.

First off, we tackled a green silhouette at 30 and 50 yards with a banned-in-the-UK carbine, topped with a Primary Arms red dot. It's a fun gun to shoot and my brother did well, handily putting down the green terrorist. Take that, paper aggressor, you lose.

Note Cooking Glock

Then it was time for some banned-because-Brits-can't be-trusted-with-pistols Glock action. Mostly against steel plates at 10, 18, 24 and 30 yards. Big excitement as the workmanlike bit of Austrian engineering roared in the hand with explosive fury. Great enjoyment.

The best shots of the day went to my brother, who scored a series of headshots at 100 yards against the green enemy. Not bad, given no magnification and a dot.

Moral of the story? Shoot more.

Gun rights,



  1. It's good to see that the compound is not flooded. (Yes, I know that it's a long way from Houston)

    I'm gratified to see that your brother is trying to qualify for the DLC. Hopefully he can make the cut on his own and not as a 'legacy' (sort of like a purchased commission). The print on the target will tell the tale.

  2. I've heard that Prince Charles is angling to become a Field Marshal in the DLC to add to his titles. I understand his zeal to be part of a crack outfit, but I expect that he just wants to add a DLC mess dress uniform (with it's classy white sun helmet with the gold spike in the top) to his wardrobe. I can't say as I blame him but it's a Texas unit, not an adjunct of his power - unless the UK is thinking of invading Texas, what with all the unsettled weather in the Gulf.

  3. I'd offer to loan my folding AK to his checklist of "guns mere peasants aren't allowed to shoot, much less own in the UK", but it's on garrison duty here at the Partisan Ranger outpost of the DLC, which is looking forward to finally drying out. I've been very fortunate, blessed even, to have a house on piers, with a good roof, in spite of ditches filling and some yard flooding, being able to drive out if needed (tho there was nowhere to go that's open or not flooded), utilities staying on, and a stocked larder, that just needed refreshing the perishables.

  4. LL, I'm in two minds about Prince Cider's attempt to be part of the unit. On the one hand it's smart to have a Royal on the "masthead" but... do we really want this Royal? Maybe not.

    My brother shot pretty well, I'll post some more pics when I get them.

  5. Really glad you're ok, Mattexian, stand vigilant with that AK!
