Friday, October 28, 2016

Word to the Wise Before You Fry Your Hand

You might think that sloshing a load of scalding hot oil on your hand while frying up burgers diner style is no big deal. Or maybe you're looking for kicks and want to try out something new.

Whatever the case, factor this into the calculus of your decision. Don't plan on doing much with your hands. You know, like tying shoe laces, holding a phone, riding, typing, pulling on boots, working a fishing reel, etc., all those things that involve fingers. 

Take it from me, they're not so much of an option when you've fried your fingers. And here's a tip, apart from Neosporin, check out Bio-Oil. It helps.

God bless,



  1. It makes you appreciate your hands even more.

  2. Let the "Blue Healer" lick it...

  3. Dear, oh dear. All for the love of burgers. That'll teach ya. Should have had a pot noodle.

  4. LL - If his blue heeler is anything like my red heeler, not-licking it isn't an option. While LSP is trying to type on the veranda, the good dog will be between his legs, gnawing at his wrists, trying to get him to drop his had so he can scrub it raw with his pumice-power tongue, until it bleeds profusely, and then he'll lick it for another half hour or so. It's just what they do. Then he'll look up as if to say, "You're welcome," and then go lie down.

  5. I hear in Texas, you just rub dirt on it and soldier on. Ointment, schmointment.

  6. Thanks for that helpful suggestion, LL.

  7. Jules, I haven't thought about "pot noodle" in years. Now I'm homesick for the Old Country!

  8. Grunt, I can tell you work for the Ministry Of Telling It Like It Is (MOTILII). Weird acronym, but whatever.

  9. Fredd, you have a point, and a good one.

  10. He wouldn't be called a "Blue Healer" if the same tongue that kept his junk happy wouldn't fix your hand.

  11. Sometimes, LL, Blue Unmentionable behaves kind of dubiously.

  12. Only "wild" medicine I've used was washing off some fire ant bites with plain creek water, tho I imagine some aloe vera gel might be soothing. My best friend's wife needed the real plant, no store-bought processed stuff for her, lest she break out in an allergic reaction to it. (I recall when they got married, some pranksters stuffed their car with aloe-infused toilet paper, and just from pulling it out gave her a rash.)

  13. I feel for you Parson. My son could have a discussion with you about that, as he did the same thing when he was working for McDonald's a few years ago. Looked quite a bi worse than yours, as he burned his worse. He is doing well now, though.

    I hope your hand is healing well. Praise the Lord it wasn't worse than it was!

    You all be safe and God bless.
