Saturday, October 29, 2016

Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine

It sure is. At the eleventh hour, right before Campaign Hillary was gearing up for a final push to victory, the White House and power, out pops the infamous Weiner. And everything inside the proverbial goldmine of the presidential race gets weird and unhinged.

It seems that the disgraced Congressman wasn't content to send lewd photos of himself to underage girls, he also had thousands of incriminating Clinton emails on his laptop. And these were, lo and behold, discovered by the FBI. All thanks to his long-suffering Djinn wife, Huma Abedin, Hillary's notorious "right hand," who used the Weiner laptop.

Bad news for the Djinn, bad news for Hillary, bad news for Weiner, maybe he's on "suicide watch." Who knows.

What we do know, of course, is that FBI Director James Comey decided to break this news, despite AG Loretta Lynch's recommendation, to Congress at a critical point in the Clinton Campaign's bid for power. Why? Because he was genuinely afraid that the scandal would leak and he'd look like even more of a corrupted crony than he already does? Because some one or thing paid him a bigger fee than he'd already received from Team Clinton?

Or perhaps because the Deep State finally decided that leaking, scandal-ridden, incompetent, psychotic Hillary was a liability and had to be taken down. Sorry, Jim, this is just the way it is. Make the call. We need to bring the Dybbuk down.

What can we say, weird scenes inside the goldmine indeed.



  1. You simply can't make this stuff up. I'd say that you can't make this "junk" up - but Anthony is so darned proud of his junk that I didn't want to throw a rock at him. At this point, I view Weiner (and his junk) as the comic relief in an otherwise intense political season.

  2. I'd just love to sneak a peek at some of those emails on the Wiener laptop. Just a few, that's all I ask.

    I have no speculation as to why James Comey dropped the hammer on the Old Crone now. Well, I do indeed have lots of speculation, but none that have any meat to them:

    *he got paid a bigger check this time around?
    *he is a man of conscience? (improbable, but should make the list)
    *he had a duty to the country (improbable as well, or we would have had our indictment before this)
    *Hillary didn't come through with her payola for the first decision, and this one was to press the matter
    *Comey just doesn't like the ol' crone, and figured life is short
    *Comey was facing a mutiny from inside the likes of which would create a Constitutional crisis
    *Comey was threatened by 'Big Republican,' you know, the Tri Lateral Commission guys, the guys in the Black Helicopters and the Guys on the Board of North American Union and some John Birch Society folk. You know, the usual conspiracy thugs on the Right.
    *Comey was just feelin' a little grouchy yesterday. This made him feel better. It certainly made ME feel better.

  3. Leave it to the New York Post to have the greatest headline: A picture of Anthony Weiner, shirtless with the caption, "Stroking Gun!:

  4. Let tentacles of this reach deep into the people of the government. Comey's brother has ties to the Clinton foundation.

    This is a good article:

  5. I'm laughing my heinie off at the hash tag Schlonger Together!

  6. I wonder if Hillary is contemplating weird scenes inside the gold mine?

    Is she humming to Huma?

    'Of our elaborate plans, the end
    Of everything that stands, the end
    No safety or surprise, the end
    I'll never look into your eyes...again'

  7. I won't believe anything until the corrupt people are behind bars, or at least not allowed to run for president.

    Be safe and God bless you all.

  8. Nope the tipping point has been reached within the establishment. The evidence has been known for some time. Too many people have seen it. Hillary has basically lost the confidence of too much of the State. This can only mean that key Civil Servants within the State have switched their position of neutrality, to that of 'anyone but Hillary'. Given the timing it must be really, really naughty. If the Feds get Hillary, Assange is going to look a right twit. Go Elliot Ness!

  9. LL, perhaps the "first animal to be jettisoned" is Huma?

  10. Fredd, it seems, not that I know anything about it, as though there was an internal FBI revolt. But hey, the Shillocrats are imploding and I'm not complaining.

  11. I wish I wrote for that "book", Infidel...

  12. I've never seen anything like it, drjim.

  13. Tentacles indeed, Adrienne... and thanks for the link.

  14. Mattexian, what can we do at this point but laugh uproariously? I mean, really... the public face of governance in the most powerful country in the world (still)? Kyrie.

  15. Don't worry. Nothing will happen. These are Democrats after all. And the law only applies to those who aren't registered with "the Party."
