Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Well, would you?



  1. No sane person would. The progs are outraged that Eric compared Muslims to Skittles. I am too. It was needlessly insulting to Skittles.

  2. According to a PEW report 26% of American Muslims between the age of 18 to 29 support the suicide killing of innocent Americans. In France it is 42% and in Britain it is 36%. The Skittles argument holds water.

    Progs think that it's Islamophobic, but it's simple statistics.

    I may never eat another Skittle...

  3. I've got no problem with Skittles, as my First Sgt had fond memories of taking the candy packs in their MREs to build "Skittles turtles" to appease the Iraqi rain gods. He was back home when Bagdad had its first snow in over a century, and all he could wonder was how big a Skittles turtle the soldiers had built to achieve that!

  4. They're not very happy at all, Adrienne. But I'm with you, comparing an Islamic terrorist to a poison Skittle sounds like understatement to me.

  5. I used to like them, LL. Then the Jihad came along and wrecked everything.

  6. We need to stop all refugee resettlement until our deficit is cut at least in half, and we can employ the people we have!

    I agree though, it was an insult to Skittles...

  7. A number of the refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq are Christians. We should help them.

  8. That is a great story, Mattexian! Thank you for your service.

    Anonymous, I agree; but it seems the only ones we and other countries accept are the ones who believe the Koran and Islam.
