Friday, July 15, 2016

Truck Jihad in Nice

Muslim immigrant, 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, chose Bastille Day to drive a truck down a crowded pedestrian precinct in Nice, killing 84 men, women and children, possibly many more. He did so for over a mile. Reflect on that, over a mile.

So, yet another blow for the religion of peace and yet another opportunity for everyone to say that a Muslim terrorist has nothing to do with Islam, as they draw hashtags and peace signs while listening to All You Need is Love.

Shortly afterwards, French President, Francois Hollande, told the French people that they must "learn to live with terrorism." Or, as one person put it, "What a pathetic coward."

Pray for those who were senselessly killed, wounded and bereaved. Pray too that the West wakes up to a religion grounded, rooted and perpetrated in war since its inception. 

To put it another way, peace signs aren't going to cut it.



  1. Very well said. Amen to that.

  2. I'm sure that if all 84 of those people had a peace sign on their clothing, the murderous savage would have spared them...

    "Learn to live with terrorism" is not something that Charles Martel would have said.

  3. Several news sources are going out of their way to claim that the killer - Mohammad - was not a Muslim. The idiocy of denial on the part of the French president, and all leftist ideologues, staggers the imagination.

  4. White male of northern European origin! Islam is the religion of peace™. Tony Blair said so!

    Learn to live with terrorism. Coming to America soon. Along with Venezuela-style shortages. (Ah the glory of socialism.)

  5. One mile and not one armed person to possibly take him out. I call that pathetic.

  6. Time for those of us in the U.S. to Lock and Load....

  7. I don't want to see a mile long candle light vigil in Nice, with flowers, stuffed animals and balloons lining the way. No more of that. It's time we took the gloves off with these evil a-holes.

  8. The religion of peace outdid itself in Nice, Linda.

  9. I get the weird feeling that Martel wouldn't be very impressed with Hollande, LL.

  10. Nothing to do with Islam, Euripides.

  11. I'd forgotten about Tony Blair, Infidel. Now I remember.

  12. Not a good result, Adrienne...

  13. Must get dow to the range, drjim.

  14. Fredd, I agree. Let's see if the candlelit teddy bears make an appearance.

  15. Pastor: yup, candlelit teddy bears were splashed all over the news yesterday. (sigh)
