Saturday, July 16, 2016

Day of Rage!

Do you remember the Day of Rage? No? Neither did anyone else.

That is all.



  1. I see that "all's quiet on the western front".

  2. I predicted it would fizzle. I was right.

    There was a very small group who marched around Denver shouting black lives matter. Most of them were white. Says it all...

  3. But why? Apathy, fatigue, decorum following Nice? A combination? Will it ramp up for the RepCon?

  4. My offspring reports that there is a smattering of blacklivesmatter folks in downtown Pensacola, shouting and protesting. She said that the businesses are closing early to make looting more convenient. I'd stay in my business with a shotgun, but that's me.

  5. Looks like some jackwagon showed up late to the party and decided he still wanted his keg stand. Certainly this kind of asshattery will keep the cops and law-abiding citizens on edge, which will lead to frayed nerves and even jumpier trigger fingers. "Fundamental transformation," my a$$. More like that Chinese curse of living in interesting times, followed by Mao's maxim, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun," NOT Barry's pen and phone.

  6. But it's not rage when our progressive friends do it. It's just a social justice warrior protesting the institutional racism and privilege of the white male of northern European origin.

    Perfectly reasonable. Nothing to see here. Move along people.
